13 Ecyn

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I don't know how I got in my bed. I don't remember coming here. I just remember dinner. I remember fighting to stay awake. Then a titan ran through the room and stole Hanji. I realize it was a dream now, but the long search for her seemed so real. Now that I think of it, Captain Levi wearing a purple uniform is completely weird. How did I not see that it was off?

You know it's a problem when you wake up exhausted. I hope some training will get me woken up more. I force myself out of bed, remembering my close call yesterday. Who knows how often the captain gives warnings instead of punishments? I definitely won't get mercy two days in a row. Do Captain Levi and mercy even belong in the same sentence?

This time, I'm not late. I even remember to get my breakfast. The food wakes me up. So does the cold morning air, the light, and the training.

Throughout the day, I feel like I'm getting tired even more easily. I have to pause to catch my breath more often and I find myself shaking after doing somewhat complicated or fast maneuvers.

It must be a lucky couple of days for me because an hour after lunch, Captain Levi tells those of us in his squad to go back and clean as much of the west wing as we can.


"The captain is going to kill me. He never likes how I dust or sweep or mop or whatever," Eren complains. He's dusting the shelves in a room with Armin and me.

"It beats training." Armin shrugs, sweeping the floor.

"I agree with Armin." I'm washing the window. This is my third time doing it. I don't want Captain Levi to complain about my cleaning skills.

"Yeah. I'd just rather have a different critic. Hanji would be better." He sighs.

"Hanji wouldn't care. She'd probably just be fascinated by you and your titan form." I inspect the window from every angle and deem it perfect.

Armin sneezes three times quickly.

"Bless you," I say, turning. "I'm going to clean the next room's windows." I start to walk out.

"Wait," Armin stops his sweeping to look at me. "Are you alright?" He looks concerned.

"Yes." I nod.

He gives me an expression that shows me his disbelief. Then he steps forward. "Your face is flushed and you're breathing hard."

I notice my heavy breathing.

He reaches his hand out to my face and I step back. He keeps going until the back of his hand rests against my forehead. "Your forehead is really hot. Maybe you should go to the infirmary."

I shake my head. "No. I'm fine."

"Your forehead is almost as hot as a titan. You should go see someone about it. Right now." His voice and eyes are commanding. I do feel a little irregular.

I give in. "If Captain Levi kills me for this, I'm blaming you for the rest of my life."

"Fair enough." He smiles and takes the cloth and bottle from my hand. I walk out the door and down a staircase.

I am breathing hard. My mouth is open and my lungs gasp for air. It's like the simple action of walking down the stairs is making me feel like I just ran ten miles. I make it to the infirmary where someone is reading a book. She looks up when I walk in.

"Can I help you?" She smiles politely.

"I'm feeling tired and my forehead is hot. My friend wanted me to come here to make sure I was fine."

"Oh." She sets the book down and stands. She steps toward me and places a cold hand against my head. "You have a high fever. Here, why don't you lay down while I get some medicine for you?"

"Alright." I sit on one of the beds in the long rows throughout the room. I lay down a second later after feeling how inviting it is.

She comes back and hands me a couple different pills and a glass of water. I take them.

"How are you feeling?"

"Exhausted." I sigh. My whole body feels heavy, like it's made of lead.

"How long have you been feeling like this?"

"Two days? One day? I was tired from training so I don't know." I shrug.

She sighs too. "They're going to kill us all."

"Well it is Captain Levi telling us what to do."

She nods and feels my forehead again. "True. Why are you here so early? Did he notice you acting different or something?"

"No. He told his squad to clean as much of the west wing as we could," I explain.

"Ah. Yes. That seems like him all right." She laughs a little. Then she seems to get a little more serious. "You need to rest a little. I gave you something to help you sleep more soundly. If you wake up and feel like getting up, stand up slowly or you'll get dizzy. If no one's here, find someone and ask for me. I'm Lerra Falter, by the way. Some people call me doctor or nurse too. I was once called a midwife."

"I'm Ecyn Guiin."

"It's nice to meet you. Now sleep."

I nod. She walks away and I lay my head back on the pillow. It feels so nice. I imagine myself melting into the bed.


When I wake up, I feel less tired. I put my hand to my forehead and it still feels hot.

I don't know how long I've been asleep, but it's been a while. I can see the orange sky through the window. I stand up. I have to sit back down as black covers my vision. It clears after a few seconds and I rise again. I notice a glass of water, a piece of paper, and a little pill on the table beside the bed. The paper reads,


Take this pill when you wake up. It's for the fever. I will either be in the stables or eating dinner.


I take the pill and walk out of the room, feeling better for the most part. I guess the first place I should look to find her is the dining hall. I peek inside, but it apparently isn't time for dinner yet. I walk to the stables. I don't see anyone. They're all probably still practicing. I wonder how long I slept. Three hours? Five hours? Three minutes?

Lerra is in the stables. She's brushing one of the horses.

"Oh! Hello, Ecyn." She puts the brush down and turns to me. "How are you feeling?"

"Better. How long was I asleep?"

"I think about five hours. Everyone should be returning soon for dinner. Do you still feel tired?"

"A little."

"Is your forehead hot?" She steps forward and touches it. Her expression is surprised. "It's worse." She looks at me, confused. "The medicine should have helped." She seems to be puzzling something out. "Ecyn..." She hesitates.

"What?" I inquire.

"Ecyn, I think you have Titan Fever."

Dun dun dunnnnnnn.

What is Titan Fever? I made it up. Read on to find out.


I mean the next chapter. Not here.

Thanks for reading. I'm out of my writer's block thanks to a few friends but feel free to give me any suggestions you think of!

I told you it would be unlucky for Ecyn. ;)

~Syre Fayne

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