16 Levi

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I go slow enough so Guiin can keep up with me, but still fast enough so she can't catch up. Or maybe she doesn't want to catch up. I didn't notice her face when I said her name, but now that I think back, it looked like she thought I was going to kill her or something.

I never kill unnecessarily.

Whatever she thinks about me, she stays just within sight behind me.


I glance back without changing my pace.

"Footprints!" she yells and points down. I glance at the ground and see a large indentation in the ground with the dirt shoved up in the back, as if whoever made them was running quickly. They're big enough to be Jaeger's, and not many titans actually run that forcefully, especially away from humans. I turn slightly and find the next footprint. I follow them for at least three minutes until I see the trees opening up ahead. Good. Now I'll be able to tell where he is.

But just as I break through the trees, I realize the ground is missing. It's a cliff. The last footprint sits right on the edge, pointing out over the edge. I hear Guiin curse under her breath. I drop to the ground to walk to the edge. It's rocky and jagged all the way to the bottom, but grass goes right up to the base. At the bottom is the steaming body of a titan.

It's Jaeger.

Oh no! What will they do? Why in the world would Eren run off a cliff? Is it really him? Why did Eren run away?

I know it's another short chapter but I like Ecyn more than Levi.

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