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So guess what I just noticed.

The number of reads on this story. Book. Thingie.

Ten thousand. Ten to the power of four. 10,000. Four zeroes. Or zeros?

But that's a lot. A lot a lot.

82.644628099 reads per part on average to be unnecessarily exact. Most reads on one part: 467 (or 369 if you don't count the organization part.)
Most votes on one part: 9
Most comments on one part: 24

I feel like I want to give you all something, but hearts, kitties, and toy cars don't seem like enough. What do you think I should do? Maybe I'll write an awesome scene about something...

Publish Chapter 20 in one day? (Not that I've finished it yet. But I'm pretty sure you'll like it, at least those of you who like the certain character that is one of the main focuses of the chapter, hint hint.)

This is over eight thousand more reads than my second-highest-reads book. And that one's completed! (Given, this book has over eight thousand more parts than that one. ***Hyperbole***.)

Here's what I'll do. Pick your favorite part of Shorter than Me. (Not in chronological order.)

¤Levi swinging Hanji around on the expedition (or around this part)

¤Ecyn's first kiss

¤Any of Levi's memories

¤First meeting Petr (or do you like another part involving Petr? Hint hint again)

¤When Levi carries Ecyn

¤When Ecyn gets lost

¤The second expedition Ecyn goes on

¤3DMG Capture the Flag

¤Levi's birthday party

¤Ecyn's training with Levi

¤Other ________________________________________________________________________

So tell me what your favorite part was and I'll try to make more like them just for you.

Thanks times ten thousand. Ditto of my last thank-you author's note.

Thank you so much!!!!!!!!

Shorter Than MeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora