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3K. Oh my gosh thank you so much!!!!! As promised, I will publish the last two chapters of Chapter 12 tomorrow (which for me is in like 12 hours (give or take)).

But back to the matter at hand.

It really touches my heart that there are three thousand reads. The first part alone now has 200! Thank you to every single one of you that has voted, commented, recommended, and read Shorter Than Me.

Since Wattpad is an interactive website and I have almost nothing planned for the rest of this story (only four off the top of my head), I am asking you to help me. If you have any ideas, tell me. I love feedback (in the form of voting and comments) and it would be awesome if you could help.

Once again, thank you all for every single read, comment, vote, any thought you ever had about this story. Thank you for liking this story, maybe even loving it. Thank you for thinking it was good, or great, or okay, or worth clicking to the next chapter.

Thanks. :,)

~Syre Fayne

Shorter Than MeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz