16 Ecyn

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I fly through the trees, hoping that I don't run into any titans. When I reach everyone, I see Eren in his titan form. Titan steam rises up from lots of half-disintegrated bodies on the ground. Eren is pulling on a tree. Everyone looks normal and alive. I go up to Hanji, who is eagerly staring at Eren and ask her if everyone is fine.

"Yes. But look at Eren! Look at him trying to pull on the tree! Isn't it amazing?" she squeals.

I glance at Eren and respond politely. "Yeah." Then I take out the green smoke signal and fire it into the air. I don't know what to do now, so I decide that Captain Levi and Jean need my help. I start to turn around, but then Eren stops pulling on the tree and looks off into the distance. He glances around and then leans down. It looks like he's picking something up. Then he runs away. Hanji screams after him, but he doesn't stop. She starts following him. Mikasa follows. So do Armin and some of Hanji's squad.

"Do either of you have the purple smoke signal?" I ask the two remaining.

One takes it out and fits it to his gun. He fires it into the air. The purple is when there's trouble and everyone needs to get together. Barely a minute later, I see Captain Levi appear.

"What?" he demands.

"Eren ran away and everyone else went after him," I explain quickly, pointing.

"Damn it!" He disappears into the trees and I hesitate only a few seconds before following him. The other two, who I don't know the names of, come as well.

Captain Levi catches up to everyone after a minute and I do a minute later. The others are far behind me. I guess they ran into Jean because he's here too.

"He took his maneuver gear!" Armin yells to Captain Levi. "I don't know why he left."

"What was he doing before?" the Captain asks.

"I told him to try to pick up a tree," Hanji says.

"What kind of idiot asks someone to pick up a tree?" he yells.

"I wanted to test his strength."

"You're so stupid." He speeds up because we've lost sight of Eren. I hurry after him, maybe using a little too much gas.

Cute alone time with Levi?

I can barely keep up with him. At least he's going in a straight line and not trying to loose me or anything like he was when he was training me.

He slows after a while and I catch up to him.

"Did you see where he went?" he demands. He's mad. I don't like him when he's mad. I get prepared to run away just in case.

"No, sir."

"Damn idiot Hanji..." he mutters. He races back to meet everyone else.

Nope. Sorry. No alone time! Muhaha!

"Hanji, what did you do?" the captain asks in a cold voice. It would probably have been less intimidating if he shouted. Cold anger is much scarier.

"I don't know, Levi!"

"How could you let him get away? Why did he even leave?"

His voice is so strong that I actually shrink away and stare at my hands. I fiddle with my straps a little, thankful that he's not amgry at me for once.

"Everyone will look for him in pairs. We won't stop until we find him. Green is distress, purple means you found him. I don't care who you're with." He doesn't even take a breath before saying, "Guiin!"

I jump and slowly meet his eyes. "Yes, sir?"

"You're with me."

And with that, he disappears into the trees. I catch a pitied look from Jean and realize my face is practically full of fear.

Then I realize something. I'm more afraid of Captain Levi than titans.

That's bad, right?

But, just like I forced myself to kill the titans, I force myself to go after Captain Levi. If I die, it won't be from a titan.

Dun dun dunnn! Yayyy another part completed! Nice longer one. I had fun writing it. Did you have fun reading it? I mean, Levi is angryyy. He scares me haha.

Have a good day!

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