1 Levi

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In this story, Levi will be a Captain. Just to clarify. Because sometimes he's a Corporal or whatever.

I watch it from a distance, knowing nearly every single one of them will leave, knowing nearly every one of those who stay will die, and the rest will die eventually.

It could be a depressing thought, but I'm used to it by now. I've seen almost everything. A wimpy blond boy who froze when his best friend was eaten by a titan joined us and survived the female titan. He has bravery in a pathetic kind of way. A girl who keeps to herself but is one of the most skilled and loyal people within Wall Rose.

Of course, thinking of past recruits brings my thoughts unwillingly to her. My throat freezes at the thought, though I have no more tears for her. I know I shouldn't have gotten attached to anyone. I couldn't help it, and now she's gone while I'm still here enclosed in this wall. She is now free.

Is it wrong to wish her back? Is it wrong to desire her to be trapped in this nightmare once again? It wasn't so bad, just a few trips a month. She was so good at killing titans. She shouldn't have died at the hands of a human titan.

Hand. It wouldn't have needed two hands, just one to throw her into the tree. Just one to break her back and kill her almost instantly. At least she died quickly and not swallowed by one of those monsters.

At least she died for something.

The speech is over and a flood of people leave. There were maybe fifty here and now eight remain.

No, nine. I see a small girl standing off to the side. She looks like she's fighting herself. She wants to leave. A boy turns around and looks like he's talking to her.

Leave. It will give you a much longer life. Someone like her probably isn't even strong enough to lift the blades.

But she stays. As the new members walk by me, I notice a set look on her face- a look of determination. I wonder what makes her determined. Did she, like Jaeger, swear to kill every last titan? That's actually pretty stupid. There are quite possibly thousands of them out there, maybe even millions.

Or does she just want to prove herself? She looks small, but maybe her will is huge. I know at least one person like that.

"Hey, kitten, are you lost? You're joining the Scouting Legion in the direction you're walking." One of my colleagues says. It's Captain Herga. He's just making fun of the small girl.

To my surprise, the girl stops. She faces him and presses her fist to her heart. "Sir, my name is Ecynya Guiin. I am sixteen and I know exactly where I'm going." She looks him in the eyes and he raises his eyebrows. The woman next to him, Corporal Frel, nudges him, smiling.

"Alright," he laughs. She moves on to follow the rest of the newest members.

Frel jabs him with her elbow, laughing. "Don't say things like that!"

"Kid has some gall. Reminds me of someone..." Herga trails off and looks at me.

"Don't even try to compare me to that weakling," I say, keeping my face the same as always. It has become such an easy habit for me, broken only by one. It will never be broken again.

"Come on, Levi, please lighten up! We're not fighting titans right now!" Herga pleads with me. Of course I'm not going to "lighten up." This is as light as I'm going to get.

"Here. Drink some of this." Frel pulls something from a pocket and I see that it is a small bottle. I know now that they've been drinking a little and accept the bottle. I open the top and take a large gulp. It burns all the way down my throat and settles in my stomach. A tingle runs through my body to the tips of my fingers and I welcome the slightly hazy feeling.

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