12 Ecyn

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I look at the paper that has the errands on it. There's some money in the envelope.

"We have to buy ginger, pepper, garlic, and a few more spices. They're all sold at this one shop, Superb Spices." I read the paper aloud.

"Where is it?"

"Huckle Street."

"I think I know where that is." He starts leading his horse to the right. I fight the urge to glance back at the house I brought sorrow to. We ride through the town for a few minutes in complete silence. I watch all the normal people go about their normal business and all the normal children run around laughing.

I wish I could be like them. They're so carefree and untouched by the horrors of the world. They can laugh because they have never seen their friend get eaten by a titan.

I don't think I will ever laugh like they laugh again.

"Here it is."

I look at the small store. A sign on the front reads,

Superb Spices

"Do you want to stay out here and watch the horses while I go in?" Briine asks.

"Sure." I hand him the money and the list of spices. He unmounts his horse and walks inside.

I look around. The street is empty except for a few kids chasing each other around. They roll around in the dirt and it makes me smile. Suddenly, one of them points at me and says something to the other three. They all run closer and I can see them better. There are two boys and two girls. They all look about nine or ten.

"Are you from the Scouting Legion?" One asks me, tilting his head back to see me.

"Yes, I am."

One of them squeals with excitement.

"Did you go on the expedition?" a girl asks.

"Did you see a titan?" the other girl asks.

"Yes, I did. There were lots of titans."

"I bet you killed them all!" The first boy exclaims.

His excitement makes me laugh. "No. I only killed a few. There were lots of Scouts there."

"Did you see anyone get eaten?" he asks.

"Jater, don't ask that," one girl tells him.

"My dad says the Scouts waste time and money that should go to other things," the second boy says.

"Your dad is stupid! Scouts are the bravest people in the whole world!" the first boy, Jater, exclaims. He turns back to me. "Right?"

I look into his eyes and see the innocent excitement in them. I nod. "Yes. I think the bravest people humanity has to offer are in the Scouting Legion."

His face lights up. "The bravest people!" he repeats. "I'm going to join the Scouts when I'm older."

I glance behind me to see Briine walking toward me. I turn back to Jater. "Be careful when you do." I give him a reassuring smile. "I have to go now."

"Are you going back to the Scouting Legion?" one of the girls asks.


Briine mounts his horse. "Goodbye!" He waves at them as we direct our horses away.

"Did you get everything," I ask once we're farther away.

"Yes, I did. Who were they?"

"Some random kids that started talking to me."

Shorter Than MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora