12 Ecyn

494 22 16

"Ar...min, how long have we been here?" I hesitate for a second with the name because my mind still wants to call him by his last name.

He glances upward, but the sun hasn't moved enough to notice much of a difference. "Fifteen minutes? Not very long."

"And so far we have suceeded in doing almost absolutely nothing." I roll my eyes and sigh.

"If you yelled for everyone to shut up and listen, I think they'd obey. For a second at least." He smiles.

"Why would I do that?"

"In an attempt to establish authority."

This confuses me. "Captain Levi is the leader."

"But he left. Meaning we have to do something between the five of us."

"Why don't you do it?"

"I already have a place. You don't. If you make one now, it will last longer. Grow into the friendship as a leader, not the other way around."

"Why do you want me to be a leader?" I'm confused. "You are all way better than me at everything."

"Look at us." He gestures to where Kerstien and Jaeger are yelling at each other.

"Stop trying to tell me what to do!" Kerstien pushes Jaeger, sending them both a few feet apart.

As they swing back, Jaeger replies. "I'm just trying to get everyone to work together, like we're supposed to."

"It's not working very well, is it, Eren?" Ackerman hangs with her arms folded a few feet away. "Stop arguing. It's not doing anything."

"Eren, you're horrible at giving instructions and you're way too angry!"

"I'm a better leader than you!" Jaeger yells back.

Armin and I move closer to them.

"No you're not!"

"Well you're not either."

"Armin, which one of us is a better leader?" Jean demands. They all look at him expectantly.

"Uh... well... it would probably be... uh..." I know he's debating whether to tell the truth or lie or to just stay silent.

I decide to say something before the conversation goes any farther. "Just shut up!" Armin's idea worked. They have stopped talking. "We'd probably be dead by now!"

"I could kill any titan that came," Ackerman states.

"Exactly. Ackerman knows what to do. She knows what she can do. Armin also knows what to do. But you two are just being stupid. Jaeger would probably turn into a titan if titans attacked us and Jean would probably die because he's too busy arguing about who should decide what to do. What we're supposed to do is obvious. Kill titans and protect Jaeger." Words come out of my mouth as I think them, and I don't know if what I'm saying is the right thing to say.

"So who do you think would be a better leader?" Jaeger challenges.

Now I have to choose. "Niether of you."

The three of them look at me. Kerstien and Jaeger glare at me, and Ackerman nods and rolls her eyes.

"If Jaeger led, Kerstien wouldn't like anything he said. If Kerstien led, Jaeger would contradict. Niether one works."

Their eyes show me confusion, some anger, and som slight understanding.

"So what do we do?" Kerstien asks.

"Pick a leader," Armin answers him.

"Armin." Ackerman decides. I feel a sense of relief that she didn't choose me like Armin did.

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