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Hey. I haven't had an author's note in a while. Maybe... two or three chapters? Maybe it's time I said thanks to some people.

To all you voters (you and I both know who you are): Thank you in a million ways for the votes you've... voted. Every single one makes my day, puts a smile on my face, and makes me super happy. I never could have imagined so many votes. (Averaging 3.86111... votes per part. Yes I did math.) Thank you for your support.

To all you comment-ists (is there a word for this?): Every comment makes my heart just... become super excited. I love every single comment you guys have said. It encourages me so much and I think it's cool how the author gets to interact with their readers... who are their peers as well. Here we are averaging 2.870303704... comments per part and I couldn't be happier if it was 2.8 million. (Maybe I'd be a little more famous, but still.)

To all you readers: even if you're the ones that don't comment or vote, just read, you all are the ones that made 7K possible and (here's some more math) got an average of 65.185185185... reads per part. There's the cover, description, tags, writing, but none of it matters until someone clicks on it and starts reading. Thanks for deciding to start and thanks for getting this far. Thanks for the laughs I can't hear, the tears I can't see, the bored eyes I don't want to know about (I mean it. Don't tell me.), and the facepalms even I give myself. It makes my day as that number slowly creeps up and up... because of you.

And finally, I'd like to thank God. He made words, gave me my passion for writing, and has read every single word I've written. He was the first one reading my earliest books despite my lack of skill. He's gotten me better at writing over the years and I hope will continue to do so. Lately I've felt that He has wanted me to recognize Him in my writing and He is the main reason for this author's note. My writing would not be here without God, so I'm thanking Him.

Thank you all again. I can't express how much you affect me and I don't even know you. I could say thank you forever, but this has to end sometime.

~Syre Fayne

(P.S. All averages calculated are not including this part. They are also not accurate if you are reading this a bajillion days (give or take) after I've published this part.)

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