20 Ecyn

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I thought it would be super hard to lead Ackerman's squad, but they help make it a little easier. They explain a little of what we're doing and Armin gives me advice. It bothers me when they call me "Captain" or" Captain Ecyn," but I have to get used to it.

I feel very important when the commander asks for my advice, along with all the other squad leaders. Even though it isn't real.

Ackerman doesn't return tonight, at least before I go to bed.

It's so short, I know, but Levi is more important in this chapter.

Ecyn is really struggling. Since she still feels like she's below Levi (and I feel like she is too) she keeps almost saying "the captain" or "Captain Levi" (meaning I start to type it, then stop myself).

Thanks for reading!

The picture is from the internet.

It is way too hard for me to not publish this whole thing in one day...

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