21 Ecyn

334 18 9

Just a quick note, I would love it if you pointed out any grammatical errors or punctuation errors. Thanks!

There are ten trainees on the platform along with Commander Erwin. Some of them look nervous while others are hiding their emotions. They're the top ten, and today is when they choose where they want to be in the military. Five are obligated to join the Scouting Legion. The Commander reaches into a bag and pulls out a slip of paper.

"Franklin Key."

It's obvious who he is by the sympathetic look the other nine give him. The Commander picks another paper.

"George Ussan."

Again, it's clear who he is.

"Arissa Clamme."

One of the girls shrugs, which makes me think she would have chosen the Scouting Legion anyway.

"Daujo Tohi."

He puts his head in his hands.

"Fierra Elles."

I see her mouth move in a curse while the rest sigh in relief. She looks very upset.

The Commander continues with his discouraging speech telling people the reality of the Scouting Legion. When he's done, nearly everyone leaves. Five of the top ten trainees stay along with three others. Eight.

I can't help thinking that too many of them will die. Too many die every time there's an expedition. Too many died with Dren, but it should have been one more. Briine should have died.

The eight of them walk past us. I'm in a line with the other officers in the Scouting Legion. Ackerman is on my left and Herga is on my right.

"I still remember four months ago when you were one of them," Herga whispers to me.

"When you made fun of me? I remember that too."

"Yeah... you've improved a little. But you haven't grown at all."

"You haven't improved at all either. And you shrunk," I shoot back quietly.

"Shut up, you two," Ackerman commands. A big part of me still feels like I have to obey him. He's my equal, but it doesn't seem like it. It seems like he's higher than everyone.

"Ackerman's just in a bad mood. He gets in a bad mood a lot." Herga says loud enough for him to hear.

It seems like he's in a bad mood all the time. I don't say that out loud because I don't want Ackerman to hate me more than he already does--or acts like he does.

Once the new Scouts pass us all, we head after them. Some of the officers go to the dining hall, but Ackerman and I head toward where our rooms are. I walk slowly because I don't want it to look like I'm walking with him. I catch the door right before it closes behind him and follow him down the hall. I pass his room and I could swear I see him glaring at me through the crack in the door. Then it closes and I can't be sure.

I've been a captain for two months and I still don't have my own room. My mother and brother were very happy for me when I told them I was promoted. They asked about Briine, and I couldn't tell them we stopped being friends, so I evaded the question. They'll find out once I see them again. I haven't seen them for five months. Maybe I'll ask to leave for a few days or a week. I think there's a form for that, but I'm not sure.

Once I lay down, it doesn't take long to fall asleep.

That was really somber. It seems like she has almost no life. She's all depressed. Is that just me? Tell me what you think. Was Levi staring at her? Will she get her own room? Will she go see her mother and brother? Why would I tell you how to pronounce Fierra's name (down there) and no one else's? (Hint, hint.)

Fierra Elles is pronounced Fee-air-uh El-es


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