13 Levi

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I debate my decision even after making it. I want to be consistent. That's why I should have punished her. But I also didn't want her to be injured or anything. I wanted them to practice without me as their leader. Commander Erwin also told me to be lenient.

And, now that I think about it, it might have something to do with the fact that I shoved her yesterday.

After she told Hanji to see the commander, I finished my haircut. Then Commander Erwin wanted all the higher-ranked officials to meet with him. There, he specifically adressed Hanji and told her not to make any trouble, to which she replied, "When do I ever, Erwin?" with an innocent smile. This made me think that he hadn't called her to see him before, though Guiin said he did. It occurred to me that she must have been lying.

But why would she lie?

Answer: She's nice (Unlike you, Levi).


I manage to get everyone to practice an extra hour today. A few Scouts fall asleep at their tables while eating dinner. Guiin was one of them. She slept in later. I don't know why she felt more tired than any others. She probably slept outside again or something.

Instead of waking her up, one of her friends picks her up with an arm beneath her legs and the other behind her back. Atkins then carries her out, I assume to her bed.

Atkins is Briine, remember?

I leave almost immediately after them. It was a coincidence, really. I need to get things done before I go to bed. I walk to the Commander's office. It's unfamiliar and slightly disorganized. It only takes a few minutes to neaten up, which is a good sign. If someone as irresponsible and messy as Hanji was Commander, the Scouting Legion would be in a lot of trouble.

I open any formal mail waiting on the desk, but leave the one personal-looking envelope alone. Someone from the government is wondering whether the information the Scouts are learning is worth the deaths. Sometimes, I wonder the same thing. I think everyone does at some point. Except maybe Hanji.

I narrow my eyes at some other member of the government mentioning the large list of supplies and food we need. He's complaining that we don't give anything back. If I saw him right now, I'd make sure he knew exactly what we give for humanity.

It seems everyone is complaining about the Scouting Legion. Merchants, farmland owners, the government. I'd like to see them try to take down a titan singlehandedly. It would be amusing to see their attempts at using the 3DMG.

The Commander's work bores me. I was never interested in politics. That's one reason I've never wanted to be Commander. Too many idiots out there.

Eventually, I exit the room and walk to mine. Only habit makes me place my shoes neatly next to the bed and my coat and shirt in the closet.

Though I'm tired, I can't fall asleep right away. I lay on my bed, remembering nights when Petra would be here waiting for me when I'd come back late for varied reasons. She'd always greet me with a smile that I could barely see through the dim light. Sometimes she'd be asleep already, but she would wake up when I lay next to her and give me a smile. Then she would wrap her arm around mine and snuggle next to me, sometimes using my shoulder as a pillow.

Thinking of her allows me to relax, and I fall asleep a minute later.

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