10 Levi

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I hate putting on clothes when they're warm and someone has worn them. Still, it's better than having that idiot's stomach acid and half-digested food on me.

I see a flash of light ahead of me and increase my speed. The Scouts are grouping there. It's a large clearing that will allow us to see the titans from the safety of the trees. I hear Hanji excitedly talking to someone on my left. Obviously she didn't learn her lesson.

We arrive at the clearing. Scouts cover the trees like new snow. A few titans stand on the ground uselessly reaching upward.

"This is like last time when we just stood and watched them look at us," I hear Ackerman say quietly to Arlert.

"Yeah. Let's hope they don't learn to climb trees," he replies.

"That would be fascinating to watch such primitive beings develop some sort of adaptation to a dilemma in their human feeding habits." Hanji seems fascinated by the titans. More come until there are more than fifty. I could kill them all singlehandedly with ease. Hanji would be very mad at me. So would Commander Erwin.

We sit here for the longest time. I notice the new recruits are relaxed more. They feel safe and in control.

Hanji can't stand still. She takes out a notebook and starts scribbling in it. She talks to anyone who will listen, which is almost no one for long. She mumbles to herself. Some of the titans are sitting now. They look tired. It's mostly the small ones that are sitting. The others look normal.

One abnormal shoves past the others and starts clawing its way up a tree trunk. Hanji jumps to the tree and smiles down at it. "Hello! I'm Hanji!" It lo ses its grip and falls back down. "Ouch! Did that hurt? Are you feeling any pain?" she calls down to it. It jumps back onto the tree and tries to get to her and the rest in the tree. It gets higher this time. "How much do you weigh? Is it easy to climb?"

"It doesn't understand you-" one Scout tries to say.

"Of course he can! Can't you, little guy?"

The fact that the titan is much bigger than her contradicts this comment, and I sigh. The titan is getting too high. I jump off my branch and climb higher. I start a spin and slice it's neck before it even notices I'm there. I land back on the same branch.

"Levi! I was learning things!" Hanji yells to me.

"No you weren't. You were talking to it while it tried to eat you."

"Stop interfering with my experiments!" she demands. I turn my attention away from her, knowing it will aggravate her more when I ignore her.

I see the shortie staring at me. She quickly looks away, but not before I see the expression on her face. It wasn't awe, but something like it, just less awestruck. Was it because of the kill I just preformed?

She was probably looking past me. No one can really see well in this light.

This story's number of reads just exceeded my completed book's reads. Till Death Do Us Part was my first story ever on Wattpad. It's a Hunger Games fanfiction (Sorry for advertizing ;) ). But here's another update today in thanks.

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