Where Is Jared Chapter 5

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Chapter 5- JESSIE

"Your turn," he murmured, and I jumped at the sudden noise. We had been quiet for at least ten minutes, just holding each other and staring at the hazy moon. "What?" I said.

"Your turn. I told you about myself, and now you tell me about you." Jared smiled, and my heart faltered. "Okay..." I hesitated.

"What? You don't want me to know about you?" he looked at me thoughtfully.

"No, no, that's not it. It's just that my life is...."

"Complicated." We both said, and then laughed.

"Do you know how many times I've heard that?" he chuckled.

"Okay, okay, my parents divorced when I was seven, and my dad moved to LA," I began.

"It was hard for me at first, because I thought it was my fault. I realize now, it wasn't. My parents are just two completely different people; they weren't meant for each other. I don't know what made me realize that, but I do. Anyway, I'd always hated the city, as you know, and my dad just had to move there. So I never visited him, until last summer. I had fun, but it wasn't my thing. My sister loved it. She went shopping constantly, but I found myself at my dad's apartment, reading a book or watching TV."

He interrupted, "How old is your sister?"

"She's seventeen. Why?"

"Just curious. Go on." He grinned. "I really don't know what else to say, I mean my life is complicated, but very boring." I confessed.

"You know what? I don't care. I'll still love you, even if your stories are boring." He seemed content not to say much else, kissing me again.


Over the next few weeks, I grew closer to Jessie (if that were possible). We went on countless dates, always having the greatest time. I really felt myself around her. I had never felt this way about a girl before. Never.

I hadn't told her I loved her. Not in so many words. I'd said things like 'I'll still love you anyway' when she would mention one of her quirks. But never an honest, 'I love you, Jessie'. That was so hard to do, even though I did love her.

I used to think Tim loved her more than me. He always looked at her with this....longing. I never understood it, until now.


I learned that it was useless to try to convince Jessica that I loved her. It did no good to tell her those few words when she was in love with someone else. I thought back to when I'd tried to tell her.

She had been sitting gloomily at the lunch table (Jared wasn't at school), and I'd carefully made my approach. "Jessie, I need to talk to you." When she hadn't said anything, simply staring at me, I'd went on. "I love you. I want you to know that. I'm here for you, if you ever need me. Ever, Jessie." She'd finally looked up, and I stared into her eyes.

"I'm dating Jared, and I love him. You know that. I'm sorry. I don't want you to hurt, Tim, but I don't feel that way about you." With tears streaming down her cheeks, she'd stood up and walked away.

I almost cried just thinking about it. I could have told her this before Jared came along, but I didn't feel I'd needed to. I remembered when we'd first met, and I'd asked her out. She'd rejected, but I'd gotten got over it. Now, even though all I wanted was her happiness, it hurt me. It was bearable, because I knew she still cared about me. But somehow these words kept running through my mind: Not enough.


I had been, and still was, upset that Tim loved me. I didn't want him to, because I was hurting him. It wasn't fair, and I'd told him that. But still....

Jared was taking me to the movies, and we were driving slowly through town. I hadn't said much since he'd picked me up, so I felt the need to fill the silence. "What movie are we seeing?" I asked. I must have caught him off guard, because he jumped. "Uh...I don't know." He finally said, and smiled. "Whatever you want to see."

"Can we see that new action movie, umm..." I had forgotten the name.

We pulled into the parking lot, and I realized he hadn't said much either. "Maybe we should just go home, and go out another time."

He acted surprised that I wanted to end our date. I was, too, suddenly. "No, no. There's something I need to tell you."

"Okay, then what is it. Is this why you've been so quiet?" I asked, just about to burst laughing. "Jared, are you nervous." I finally realized what was so funny. He was nervous, about talking to me, of all people!

"Go on" I said. "Just tell me."

"I'm not nervous!" he corrected me too late. I knew he was lying anyway.

"Spit it out, Jared." I almost laughed at the sight of him squirming. "Okay," he said. "I love you. More than anyone." That was it. I laughed until I cried. "Like I didn't already know that! I love you, too. That's why you were nervous?! HA!" I couldn't help it. He was so adorable.

"Um....Yes?" And at that, we both laughed, and he pulled me in for a kiss.

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