Nashi Heartfilia

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I was sleeping on my bed .When i suddenly hear my alarm buzzing which was beside my bed i woke up half asleep stopped my alarm by banging on its top and then again fell asleep the i heard my mom shouting " wake up nashi " .I did not wanted to wake up for two reasons

1. My bed was to comfy for me and 2. i did not wanted to go to school since in school everyone were excited about the fathers meet i don't know who my dad was when i ask my mom she refuses to tell me who my dad is . i feel bad when everyone in the school start talking about there dad so I refuse to wake up. then i start slowly dozing of to sleep .When i heard my door opening my mom entering the room say me " wake up ". she sat beside me and started to wake me up by removing the blanket up on me which i didn't let her to remove. then i felt mom my mom pulling up my blanket. i kinda new what her next move was then i felt her fingers on my ticklish spot and then i started laughing and told her "mom .....stop ..itttt" then i hear her chuckling and she stopped and told me to wake up. i slowly started to wake up and wanted to ask mom who is my dad and then realized her answer would be the same thing 'u are not ready but when time comes i will tell u for sure ' so i though to asking a different question and asked my mom "mom, what kind of person was papa is ?" i looked mom she looked kinda a surprised i knew the reason why because i asked her a different and then mom looked at me and smiled which surprised and s\mom started to speak "your father he was kinda ...." she thought for a while and chuckled and continue to speak " he was dense , idiot ,always looking for a reason to fight his best friend and whom he calls as an enemy but he was caring for his friends , strong ,kind and always fights anyone who insults the person near for whom he cares and had a bottomless stomach and has motion sickness just like u" then i stared giggle a little at the last part and my mom started to speak i looked at her pointing at my bathroom and said " nashi start walking or your gonna be late for school " i looked at my alarm which was showing 7:15 am i stood up quickly 'oh crap' i thought and went to have bath and my other morning routines.

after 20 minutes

I come after bath went and opened the closet and started wearing my uniform which was simple white half hands shirt which had a pocket at the right side showing the school hagrom school the school was named under the name of the city i live and a skirt which was till my knees and wore a yellow sweater and started looking for my bag which lied on top of the my study table I took and started walking downstairs and smelled the air which was filled with my mom's cooking I knew what it is I started running towards the kitchen yelling "pannncakesss"and sat on chair and stared at the pancakes as she brought towards me and kept in front of me in a plate and started gulping down the food and drank the orange juice as she brought it I drank the whole juice and stare at the wall clock hanging on the wall and shocked as I look to at the time 7:50 " crap! I am late I had to meet Elsa before I go to school " I told to my mom and walked towards the door wear my socks and shoes I hear my mom calling my name "nashi" I turn around as I finished tying my shoes and look to my mom who was holding my school bag i take it from her hand turn towards the door and wear it and hear my mom mumble under her breath " as dense as her father" I feel happy right now as I heard my mom say it I turn around and say " I guess so " she looked at me and gasped a little and she covered her mouth with her hand ' mom forgot that i had keen sense' i thought and the i turn towards the door grab the knob and while turning i say without looking at her " mom thank you for saying me about papa to me i feel happy hearing about papa " and i turn my head around a little and saw my mom who seems to be happy i open the door walk out side saying "bye mom i am getting late to school " i close the door while closing the door i saw my mom waving her hand saying bye i start running towards the school ' crap Elsa will be so angry right now i am late to school and when u had to meet her ' I didn't wanted elsa to be angry because she was my best friend and catching more speed and finally reached school i saw elsa standing near the school gate I slow down a bit gasping air then I wave my hand saying

" Hi Elsa "

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