2. They meet

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Jacob's mom pulled up to the front of the school where he hopped out of the car. "Bye honey I love you, be good!" Screamed Jakes mom out the car window. "Love you too mom." Jake said embarrassingly in a low tone.

He walked into the school where there were 3 long lines of kids waiting to be shown to their classes. He got into the line he felt was the shortest. After standing there for a minute or two he looked around at the walls getting very bored.

There wasn't much there, just a piece of paper with some teachers names on it a bulletin bored with a couple tacks. Jake thought to himself-

"Wow they really went all out huh."

About half way to the front of the line, Jake was getting a little anxious."Gosh could this line be moving any slo-." He stopped in the middle of his sentence when his eyes caught sight of the back of a girls head in the front of the line. She looked just like the one from his dream, same shirt too.

He was tempted to say something but was too shy. There were people in front of him as well.

Kat stood at the table, and looked down at the stamps as the tired looking lady sitting there looked at her schedule.

"Alright go on down to room E5 got it?"

The teacher said dully. "Yes ma'am." Kat replied politely. She walked to the right toward the hall the sign said rooms D-F.

After Jacob finally got to the front of the line the nice lady told him to go right and find room E5. Jacob nodded his head and thanked her. He began walking down the hall to the right.

He arrived at a classroom where only about 8 kids were already there. Including Katniss, sitting alone facing the window. Jacob saw her once again recognizing her. He knew this was his chance. He slowly walked up to her hoping to finally see her face.

She faced the window but the desk faced him. She had turned her chair around. He sat down in the seat across from her.

Kat heard the seat being pulled out and realized someone had sat with her at the table.

She peaked around her shoulder to see a cute little boy sitting his stuff down behind her across the table. Jacob looked up at her before she turned back around to only see one of her beautiful green eyes.

Jake thought she again somehow looked familiar he just couldn't figure out how. She was so pretty from what he'd seen so far. He worked up some courage, and got out the words.

"Um, hello."
Jacob said nervously.

Kat turned around and looked at him too shy to say anything back. Jacob stared into her light green eyes finally seeing them. He stuttered.
"I um, I'm Jacob."

She sat silent for a second just staring back at him.

"Hi, I'm Katniss."

His chest felt like it sunk hearing her talk. He let out a breath of relief then smiled at her. "I like your name Katniss." She blushed, replying with "Thank you Jacob." He loved hearing her say his name. Not really understanding the way it was all making him feel his thoughts ran wild.
Thinking to himself ~
"Oh my gosh, she's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

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