Chapter 8: Junhui

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Come over tomorrow, Seokmin texted Jin, I told Jun a friend will do a "project" with me.

I'm nervous, Jin responded. I have a feeling he'll glare at me until I leave.

S: don't be, really. Jun's mysterious, but he isn't mean. I exaggerated his meanness last time.

J: what should I wear?

S: Clothes.

J: haha.

S: seriously don't come naked. i don't think he'll appreciate that.

J: does he have a style?

S: idk. tbh idk much about him. He's quiet. Kinda like you.

J: will he like me?

S: he likes quiet, so he might.

J: are you sure he doesn't have a girlfriend?

S: he doesn't, Jin.

J: oh gosh what should I wear.

S: clothes.

J: -.- you're not helping.

S: just look pretty. Shouldn't be too hard for you :P

J: is that a compliment? I can't tell.

S: it might be.

J: now I know to never trust your compliments.

S: I think i sense self-consciousness here. I don't like it -.-

J: when should I come over?

S: 3:00ish. We'll pretend to do some "work" and we'll order pizza, and I'll do that thing where I pretend to use the bathroom so I can leave the two of you together to make out and stuff.

J: Seokmin -.-

S: seriously though. If you guys do end up together, no making out in the dorm room.

J: omg stop.

S: you're blushing aren't you ;)

J: shut up

S: I know there's pink in your cheek as you imagine making out with that majestic figure that is my roommate :P

J: stoppppppp

S: seriously. No kissing in the dorm room.

J: i'm not answering you anymore. See you at 3:00.

S: I know you're blushing :P

Jin was indeed blushing. Seokmin was really shameless when it came to talking about these kinds of things. Jin still had not even processed the idea that she was doing this in an attempt to date, and Seokmin was already going on about "making out," something Jin had not even really considered.

Jin looked through her closet for something to wear. She needed to look better than usual. She couldn't just put on a t-shirt and jeans like she usually did. She looked through her closet. She only really had one thing that could be considered "cute." A dress that had little pens sewn all over it. She bought it because she felt like it represented her: she loved writing.

The dress was sleeveless, and it was cold outside. Not wanting to make the same mistake she made last time, she looked through he closet for a jacket. The sweater that Seokmin had let her keep caught her eyes. The color pattern of the dress matched that of the sweater, and so she decided to put it on.

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