“Don’t lie to me Emma tell me what’s upsetting you”.

“It’s stupid I really don’t want to talk about it, goodbye” I turned to get the door but was pulled back to have my face placed between cool pale hands.

“Talk to me”.

“Dorian stop I’m fine I’m going to Boston” I smiled talking in a light sing song voice punching the air with my fist. He frowned thinking about it and to my surprise let it go.

“Alright then have fun”.

“I will” I went for the door again and got pulled back again.

“I still want my kiss”.

“How do you know I have one for you”?

“All your kisses are mine so actually I have lots but I’d like to cash one in now”.

I laughed and leant into him pressing my lips to his briefly and pulled away before I could get sucked into it but it only took a second of being away from him that I decided I wanted more before I left so I kissed him again holding his face and sucking on his bottom lip, if he was alive it would’ve turned a deep pink. I was just about to stop when Dorian responded gripping my waist and sliding his tongue into my mouth I moaned into his mouth and felt his lips smile under mine. Suddenly my pocket started to vibrate I pulled away from Dorian to see him wiggling his eyebrows at me stupid sexy jerk I poked my tongue out at him.

“Don’t flatter yourself” I took out my cell and saw Jeremy’s face on the screen I accepted the call and put it to my ear. “What’s up”?

“Stop making out with your bf and get in here to help your bff pack his damn suitcase”. My cheeks burnt and I shook my head at myself.

“Wait, how do you know what I’m doing”? I heard a knock at the window behind me and I jumped turning away from Dorian to face Jeremy who was trying hard to look disapproving but failing because he was on the edge of laughter.

“Your face right now is friggin priceless oh my God” he laughed through the phone breathless I tried so hard not to but I was so embarrassed for myself I started cringing and when Jeremy saw he literally fell out of my view I leaned over closer to the window so I could see what happened only to find that he was rolling on the floor on the concrete walk laughing so hard he was red in the face. I turned away from the window and put my face in my hands trying to forget where I am. Arms wrapped around my small frame and I was pulled gently to Dorian’s lap but I was facing the window again annoyingly so I hid my face in his shoulder breathing in his smell soft like just washed clothes and sweet like apples but not gross apples falling on the floor outside like the taste of when you bite into a fresh apple, I love him very much but I’ll only be gone a few days he’s much more capable of keeping himself safe than I am. I looked up at his face to see him smiling but trying like Jeremy not to laugh I guess while in my head I’d left all the stupid behind it lingered on behind me, stupid boys.

“Bye baby” Dorian’s smile instantly started to get smaller until his lips where a flat line and his eyes grew pained.

“Don’t ever say goodbye to me Emma” it was just a whisper as he pushed his fingers through my hair.

“See you later then” Dorian smiled and nodded before placing a small kiss on my forehead which he trailed down my nose and finally to my lips.

“See you later baby and be safe” I nodded and opened his door so I didn’t have to crawl across him to get out.

“Love you” I called before I closed his door.

“I love you too” as I closed his door he stuck his hand out to stop me I frowned confused as he got out of his car and came round to pop the boot taking my bags out like the gentleman I’ve had to get used to lately. Jeremy sprung up from the floor and came round to help but I knew he was really looking for his present.

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