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Yeah we were stuck in there...

We sat down there.. looked at each other for a minute then I turned my face.

" we are stuck here and can do nothing about it so lets just calm down and... ", he started the conversation.

"So are new here right? What's your story" I asked

" and my mom moved here last week. Dad died last month and mom got a nice job offer so here i am", he said softly.

"Oh i'm sorry. So basically you are from...?", I asked.

"Sydney. I'm from sydney. Now tell me about you", he sat straight and asked eagerly.

"I'm a barbie girl in a barbie world...", yeah i started singing.

"What??", he looked at me, confused and was chuckling.

"Oh right i..i had to tell about me. Sorry that was the song going on my mind. Ignore it", I said while giggling. "Umm you know my name. We have some classes together..and uh yeah thats it", I added.

That was my stupid introduction. Who gives an intro like that. I'm so stupid. First i sung that song then I turned on my retarded mode.

"Nice", he said.

One hour passed. He told me about him and so did I.

I was tired of sitting so I tried to stand up but I slipped and fell straight on him. You movies. I was literally lying on him but right at that moment door opened and teacher entered. Caught us in that position. Uhhhh... Right when i slipped teacher entered, why???

We got up quickly. I headed my face down.

As if we lying in there intentionally. Bitch please! There are way better places then this shit to do those things and moreover we barely knew each other, just met the other day.

"DETENTION!! Both of you!", she yelled at us. Showed her the EYES.

If was like her eyeballs will fall off. After yelling she was gone.

Oh detention. Hate this!

But at-least I would be with him.

We both..went back to our classes. College got over now it was detention time. He was already in there, the detention room, when I entered.

He was sitting with some guys, painting banners. Looked at me once and smiled.

I joined a group of girls and started making banner too.

He came to me after some time and said, "Enjoying or not? Painting banners and all huh"

"Yeah right! This painting thing plus dirty hands plus no cell phone plus you busy with those guys over there is equals to lots of fun", i said in a weird way.

Just a sec. Did I just said busy with those guys??? Hell. Who am I to tell him to spend the time with me. What am I? His girlfriend? Nooo

Then I have no right to act like that.

Gosh am such an idiot. What would he think of me.

"Hey hey hey..calm down. I was just checking out. Haha you look really pissed off by this shit" , he said, and laughed.

I told you i was being an idiot.

He then moved his hand toward me for a handshake and said, "Lets start all over, lets be friends"

He smiled and and I was like why not. We were friends now. At least we were something now. Friendship is better then being strangers.

"And you know what?", he said.

"What?", i asked.

"You are my first friend here. First friend in the city, in college", he said and then smiled looking at me.

I passed a smile too. We stood still and looked at each other for a minute and bell rang.

Finally detention got over and we were free to go!

"Hey, come on lets go", I said.

"Yeah. Lets go", he uttered softly.


Oh so we became friends finally.

There is lot more to happen....


I'll update soon!

Thanks for reading :)

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