'You didn't. I choked on my own spit, that's not your fault.' I mumbled. Sid snorted and I glared at him.

'Either one of you tells me what's going on or I'm leaving.' Alia threatened, frustrated.

'Go on Varun, tell her.' She turned to me expectantly.

'You shocked me okay? I haven't seen you dress like that, ever. Not even when we did Student. You took me by surprise.' I admitted.

'You choked because I'm dressed differently? I'm not sure if that's good or bad.'

'It's a good thing. Definitely a good thing.' I assured. My mind briefly wandered, reminding me of exactly how much of a good thing it was, but I was quickly brought back by Sid speaking again.

'Why? Did you see something you like, Varun?' He teased. Alia was again looking confused.

'Sid, please just shut up.' I said through gritted teeth.

'What's wrong Varun? Do you not want to tell Alia what you're thinking?' He taunted. I balled my hands into fists to prevent myself from hitting him. 'I thought you two don't hide from each other, what happened?' He continued, trying to get a rise out of me.

'That's it.' I got up, pushing my chair back a little roughly. 'I'm sorry, but I need to go. Maybe we can catch up some other time.' I almost ran out of there, ignoring Alia as she called after me.

Alia P.O.V.

I called after Varun as he raced out of the café, confused as hell. He didn't turn, didn't even pause, ignoring me completely. 'What was that about?' I asked, turning to Sid.

'Oh, Alia, you are so innocent.' He chuckled.

'Why? What's going on?'

'Alia, do you realise how tight your dress is?' He questioned.

'Yes, but I didn't have anything else to wear. All my comfy clothes are in the wash and this was the least fitted thing in my cupboard.' I still didn't understand.

'That's all well and good but well, it's still pretty fitted and you almost gave Varun a heart attack when he saw you.'

'Don't exaggerate. He was just a little surprised.'

'No he wasn't. He was very surprised and we both know Varun has an active imagination. I'm sure you can figure out where his mind went.' Sid told me, giving me a pointed look. I knew what he was suggesting but he had to have been wrong.

'Sid, Varun doesn't think of me like that.'

'Yes he does. He's had a crush on you for years, actually I think it's quite a bit more than just a crush, and he's just barely managed to hide it. Today was just the straw that broke the camel's back.'

'How is today any different?' I asked, not really registering that he just said Varun has a crush on me.

'That dress leaves little to the imagination. I think it was too much for him.'

'First, the outfit I wore in Saturday Saturday was much more revealing. Second, are you sure?'

'That was you and Varun playing characters, you know he can seperate himself from his characters. And yes, I am completely sure.'

'Now what do I do?' I asked.

'You go to his house and tell him that he needs to stop being a chicken and tell you how he feels. Or you can tell him how you feel, it's up to you.' I didn't even bother to deny that I have feelings for Varun, there was no point.

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