Chapter 90: Jace?

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"Clary! Clary!" Bass yells for Clary like I died in his arms. Gotta admit I'm totally beat, that Valentine landed a pretty good punch on my face a few times.

"Bass, what is it?" Jocelyn appeared seconds after. Bass looks at me worriedly. Jocelyn gasps as she saw me in leaning on Bass's side.

"By the Angel, Jace. What the hell happened to you?" Jocelyn asks as she gestured for Bass to lie me down on the couch.

"Oh nothing really, Jocelyn, I'm fine. Where's Clary?..." I ask right away, then just that time Clary walked in with Nathan carrying both of the babies.

They must've woke up when I came, since it's already late and I came running here afterwards. Clary and Nathan halted and I can see their worried and curious faces. Clary gulped.

"Wha-What happened to you?" She asks not moving from where she stood. I didn't waste anymore second, I stood up and ran towards her, engulfing her in a tight hug carefully.

Few hours earlier

"Jace!!!!" Matilda came running.

"You're not going to stop me, Matilda, you knew... And yet you didn't tell me..." I yelled at her at the hallway.

"It's Clary's wishes... Everyone knew at this moment, but at first it was only your Mom, Jocelyn, Nathan, Jon and Izzy..." She tells me, I gape.

"Mom knew???" I growled.

"But still, nothing's stopping me now. Call Mom, tell her, I already know, But tell mom that don't tell anyone that I already know..." I tell her strictly and when the elevator door dinged we're at the lobby already. I waited for my car.

My drunk state seriously left me the moment I heard it. I can't believe this. Clary's kids. Our children. Twins.

"Just stay here, Matilda, I'm going to call Dad. Just wait for Mom and my call..."

As soon as I arrived at Valentine's penthouse, I didn't wasted anymore time, I knocked and when the door opened I pushed past the servant and looked for Valentine.

And when I saw Valentine looking at me with his smug face. I snapped. I threw the first punch.

But of course before I did that, I made sure that Dad will be backing me up. I made a call before I arrived here. Dad was quite shocked and amused at the same time that I'm going to fight for Clary now, and that I already know about the twins. He tells me that I can offer whatever Valentine a deal, or whatever crosses my mind to make Valentine back down.

When Valentine recovered from my first punch, he glares at me.

"What do I owe this pleasure?.." He grimaced.

"I came here to beat the shit out of you.." I groaned.

"Well that's a major buzzkill..." he throws a punch right after. And boy, it hurts. It took me few more punches to back down and look at the man. He was smirking as I spit some blood onto his floors.

"You seriously have the balls to come in here.." He says at me. I scoffed.

"And you need to buy me new floors, Jace..." I chuckled.

"That's it? You want new floors? I can give you more than that Valentine. Name it.. " I tell him. He looks at me confusingly, few seconds later I knew he already gets it.

"Oh. I get it now. But you can't buy me Jace. My hatred for that Family is that high that I don't think no one can buy..." He tells me. I scoffed.

"I'm not going to let you ruin this again Valentine. I'm only saying this once, If you don't back down, I will buy out everything you own in every single company you have shares with. I'll leave you with nothing but this place. You do know how the Herondales and Montclairs really are... In fact it was your family's fault why this happened at first place..." I tell him.

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