Not an Update but......

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So guys, I'm writing a new Fanfic that is called Mischievous Kiss because my Fanfic The Heirs is about to end. I'm still working on my first chapter so, I'll keep you guys posted.

Here's a little snippet of my new Fanfic.

Clary walked away feeling frustrated, it's their Graduation celebration and she wasn't expecting for the Jocks to come at the Place where she is with her friends. They keep on insulting each other this past few months and now it seems that Jace had crossed the line telling the guys that she loved him more than anything in the world.

She sobbed walking out to catch some air, they were drinking having some fun at Lux and they're VIP couches are right next to each other.

" Now you're crying. " Jace says behind her. She didn't know he followed her, maybe somehow he cared for her. Jace doesn't know what to do, he know he crossed the line but he wasn't expecting for Clary, he knows Clary is such a strong girl.

" What? I can't cry now.. " Clary spat. She glared at Jace not being able to stop her tears. Jace chuckled.

" Of course you can. But I don't want them to talked about me that I made you cry. " Jace says mocking Clary. He's completely making fun of her, because he doesn't know how to handle her.

" You know what?? I'm done. I'm done with you. " Clary says wiping the tears off of her face. Jace facial expression changed. " I'm done caring.. I'm done liking you. You always make fun of me anyway. I'm done following you around. Ever since the day we moved in, I'm nothing but nice but you did nothing. You are an Asshole, that I regret liking. I'm done with you. " Clary spatted. Jace stiffened hearing those words that he doesn't know that Clary can even tell him. He stepped a little closer to Clary so that there isn't nothing between them, Clary flinched stepping back until her back reached the wall. Jace caged her putting his both hands on each side of her head.

" You don't mean that. Right? " Jace hissed. Clary flinched doing her best to pull away since Jace's face is like inch away from hers.

" I do mean it. I'm done. I'm done... " But Clary never got to finished what she was about to say because Jace kissed her. Jace soft lips on Clary's soft ones. Clary stiffened. Jace pulled away and looked at Clary who was staring at him like the world ended and blushing like hell.

" That's what I thought. " Jace says and left Clary at shock.

What do you think? Should I? 

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