Chapter 81: Prom night

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What I hate most is that when a person closest to me is lying. I know mom knows something and she's not telling me anything. She keeps on telling me that I should move on, Clary's going with some stuff that she wants to handle herself.

Izzy, Jon and Simon won't tell me anything either, telling me that they don't get to see Clary frequently ever since she quit school. But still I know, I followed them one time to Clary's place. And they went home late at the penthouse. Izzy even stayed for a sleep over.

I groaned. I really hate this, I'm in a bad mood that I can't figure out what to wear to the prom. I end up going with Matilda since she's the one who asked me. Mom sent these dress shirts and suits over for me to pick since I don't want to talk to her.

I end up wearing a normal suit that I usually wear. I left the room and check on Izzy and Jon.

"You look good, Izzy..." I told her as I opened the door and saw her standing. She's wearing a deep pink gown that flows beautifully. She must've been waiting for Jon. Jon soon came from the bathroom, he gave me a curt nod with a smirk.

"You look good yourself, Jace. Aren't you going to fetch Matilda?" She asks me nicely this time. But I know she hates it.

"Yeah, I'll go ahead, see you at the Institute..."

"Don't forget to bring a spare outfit, we'll be partying at Pandemonium after..." Jon hollered. Right, I forgot about that. I went back to grab some casuals and left.

I left the penthouse and went immediately to Matilda's apartment. I knocked and when she opens it I can't help my myself. Boy, my breath hitched. She looks perfectly good in red. I shook my head and ditch what am I feeling. She smiles and playfully slap me.

"What?" I ask playfully.

"You were staring..." She says, hooking her arms around mine.

"Well you look good..." I told her honestly, she blushed.

"Is the great Herondale fancies me? Hate to tell ya, but I don't swing that way... " She joked as I opened the door to my car letting her in, I chuckles.

"Of course.. You always look good, and about your sexuality, are you sure you can't be move by me?" I told her as I took the drivers seat. Starting the car up.

She laughed and smacks my head playfully. 

It was pleasant. Yeah pleasant alright. Who would have thought there will be a few paparazzi at our prom, it's not like we're stars who needs a cover photo on a magazine. This is just our prom.

What bothers me the most is that when we arrived Izzy, Jon, Bass and Aline who has her baby bump showing waiting for us. Their annoyed faces at bay and sure it annoyed me when some reporter saw me and ask me if I' dating Matilda now.

Matilda can't helped but to gasp a little since she's really the star in here, she's after all a young model. The face of Montclair's designs.

"Jace...." Matilda tap my shoulders lightly. I blinked getting out of my thoughts. I look at her questionably.

It's almost midnight.

"They're going to announce the King and Queen..." She tells me with a grin. My eyes widens.

Matilda and I are nominated. Seeing us together earlier made them think that we're good together.

"Our King and Queen. Jace Herondale and Matilda Lowther.." Maryse announcing it with a smile.

I hear Izzy huffed, she's disappointed indeed since she's routing for that title. The students clapped as we go up to the stage and receive our awards.

"Finally..." Magnus sighs out of relief. As we got back from our dance since we needed to do it.

"Pandemonium anyone?" he says.

We all stood up, Izzy and Jon went to Maryse to bid their goodbyes.

"Is Clary and Nathan coming?" Izzy asks Jon as we arrived at the parking. She looks at me with a pointed look at I don't get. I rolled my eyes.

"We'll see you at Pandemonium..." I told them. Matilda and I left and went to her place since she forgot to bring extra clothes.

"I don't think I want to go, Jace..." She tells me as soon as we arrived at her place. I look confusingly at her.

"I'm tired. I still have photoshoots tomorrow..." She explained. I sighed and agreed, she tells me that I can change here.

I wonder if Clary and Nathan would join us at Pandemonium.

"Jace..." I hear Jon's yell. Pandemonium is sure crowded tonight, I thought to myself. Even though it's always like this every weekend.

I smirked and strut towards them. They're having drinks already and I'm surprised Bass is here without Aline. Aline must've decided to stay at home and let Bass enjoy the night.

"Have a drink..." Jon tossed me a drink, I gladly took it since I decided I need to get drunk tonight.

We've been drinking for good thirty minutes now, Izzy and Jon gone dancing. Simon is with Tatia. Bass left already telling us that he can't bear the thought of Aline being alone for the night. Magnus and Alec are making out horribly. Tessa and Will and the other are dancing. That left me alone to drink some more.

Yeah, I'm drunk alright. My emotions are high, my head is spinning. Yet here I am still drinking.

"You alright man?" Jon asks as they have returned from the dance floor.

"Yeah. Too drunk...." I slurred the word out. He chuckled shaking his head, as Izzy rolled her eyes. Seconds later she squeals looking at my direction, well more likely to the person at my back. I turned.

"Clary... " I whispered. She's with Nathan. Nathan's arm protectively drape around her since they're crossing the crowd. I can't help but to feel jealous. It ticks me off.

"Jace..." The both of them says my name in chorus. They both look at each other with silliness. I bite my lips trying to keep my anger together.

The both of them sat and we continue to drink and talk a little. They seem so close now, like they're together now or something.

"The both of you seems looking good together..." I muttered. The both of them gave me a pointed look. As Jon and Izzy look at me questionably.

"Of course they are..." Magnus pointed out. Alec immediately grabbed his arm like telling him to stop talking.

"Oh right. Of course they're engaged. It seems that she was with me and you at the same time..." I told them with a smug face.

"What did you just say?" Jon says angrily. Clary giving me a concern look. As Nathan hindering his anger.

"You're drunk..." Clary stated, I chuckled.

"Oh? Who cares? That's a good thing right?.." I chuckled "I think I'm going to go now, need to get laid..." I told her with a smirk and left.

I was immediately stopped, few steps away from the table.

"You're drunk, Jace. I'll drive you home..." Clary's voice lingered like a lullaby. I looked back at her.

"Oh so do you wanna get laid? Is Nathan here not good in bed? And you want to drive me...... " I didn't get to finished it because Clary slapped me.

"Go to hell, Jace..." she then left, and I swear I saw tears from her eyes.


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