Chapter 113:

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Couple hours have past already, they're still getting busy cooking and arranging the dinner. Mom asks me to rest when I arrive earlier today. She didn't ask me anything, in fact everyone of them didn't ask me a single thing when I arrived. But I bet Ian already told them what happened in London and Paris.. 

When I saw mom earlier I saw her worried and anxious face even though she was smiling widely at me when she saw me entering the house with the twins. Yes, I can hold and look at them right now, and now with a blessing in tow, I'll start to be a good mother.. 

The rest of them left me be to be alone with the twins all day and I can't help but to smile and sob a little, they're already 7 months old. Time flies too fast indeed, the both of them can crawl a little already. Ian also came by to my room from time to time to tease and play with the three of us. And I'm really thankful that he's still here, at my side.. I can see the longing in Ian's face whenever he looks at the twins, and I know he'll be a good dad if only he can see and take care of his daughter..

It was 7 in the evening when Ian knocked on my door again telling me that dinner's ready.. I smiled at him and carried Tobias while he carried Stephen in his arms. I chuckle, "after the family dinner you really have to tell me the full details which family your daughter belongs to." I tell him, he chuckled and patted my head, "yeah... I'll tell you everything.." he says with a genuine smile..

We went downstairs and there I was greeted by my family.. Mom and Luke, Izzy and Jon, Aline and Bass with their little one and of course my still single bestfriend Simon and Celine.

The dinner went smoothly, we were talking happily and sharing what happened in Celine's event.. Of course Celine didn't fail to brag about my designs and was slightly bickering with mom on how I focused with Celine but not to the art gallery. We literally laughed are asses off of that. It was true though, I always thought that after graduating, I'll take more art classes and history, to focus on mom's museum.. But things changed, but it never bothers me really, I love the company and more importantly I love interior designs. 

"Alright.. Alright.. We should move to the family room.. We have a lot of things to talk about.." Luke clears his throat when he saw us literally done eating. 

I stiffened a little and felt nervous.. I don't really know how to break it to mom, I mean who wants their daughter to accidentally sleep with someone..

Minutes later we're inside the family room, except for Simon. He tells us that we should go first and that he'll take the kids to their nursery. I agreed and hand the twins to him..

I let out a sigh when my butt felt the soft cushion..

"Did you found out?" Jon didn't beat around the bush and asked me immediately.. I glared at him, "I'm not going to tell any single thing.. And don't bother requesting about the footage, I already told the hotel to delete it.." I tell him with such stoic tone. 

He scoffed, "why would you do that?" the rest of them stare at me confusingly. Even Ian who was always confident frowned. 

"That man doesn't even know me... Who knows he might be married to someone, I don't wanna ruin someone's life.." I lied.. 

"Clary...." this time mom took my hand and squeeze it lightly.. 

"No mom.. I made up my mind. No one, None of you will dig into this.." I say..

She sighs, "Alright.. tell me why Valentine drove you to the airport?" I gasp, I didn't tell anyone about that..

"Bass told us.. Jace was with you on that flight, Bass and Jace met and talked.."  Celine says, I stare at her with my wide eyes. 3 times, our paths almost crossed 3 times already. Well the other one we literally crossed paths, because we slept together..

"Why's he back?" I ask..

"He's not back.. He's here for the company.." Bass says, I bit my lip looking on the floor.. 

"Are you alright?" Ian asks worriedly..

"I'm fine. It doesn't matter anymore.. I just want to focus to my life right now, besides I'm having another kid.." I say nonchalantly. 

"Alright- yes, indeed good thing----" Jon says, "what did you just said?" 

Izzy gasps, "you're pregnant?" I nodded, and glance at Ian looking at his face makes me at ease..

"What do you mean? And you're not telling us who the father is?" Jon yelled angrily..

"Ian's here...I don't need anyone.." I tell them, I turn to look at Ian again and he smiled at me.. I smiled back, great he's not leaving me.. His facial expression earlier was expected, he was quite hurt and sad. But this time, it was actually different..

"Are you sure? Clary, you're being selfish... You can't possibly thought that Ian, will stay with you forever right?" Jon asks..

Ian held my hand tightly, I was about to retort when he stopped me..

"I'm fine.. I'm staying with Clary, besides I also have a daughter you know.. I'm not that perfect.." Ian says with a soft smile reassuring the rest of them.

My mom gasps, "what? you have a daughter? are you married?" I rolled my eyes at that, seriously why can't we have a proper family meeting.. 

"He's divorced.. But please stop pestering him with his life.. The Ian right now is what I need and like.." I tell them..

"Clary.." Luke calls my name in a serious manner.. I glance up to him and all I can see is sadness and happiness in his eyes at the same time.. 

"I'm really fine, Luke.. I won't be like that anymore, you don't have to worry.. I want to focus to the company and being a mom. I'm young, I still have a lot of time.. Also you don't have to worry about Valentine.."  I tell them.

Luke and Mom both stare at me confusingly, "I bet Valentine is quite satisfied right now, because of Jace.. So you guys don't have to worry about anything.. We just have to focus on what's happening right now here in New York..." 

They all sighed and agreed, it's fine. Everything will be alright I thought to myself.. He's been focusing well and I bet our paths will cross again. It doesn't matter how long, but I'm willing to wait, even though we might end up not together anymore it's fine. The twins are Herondales...

"Now that everything's settled.. Ian and I have a lot talk about, you don't also have to worry about the kids tonight.. We'll take care of them.." I tell them.

I stood up and pulled Ian to follow me..


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