Chapter 87: You're still the same

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At the end of the day the babies names are finally decided, the red head baby boy will be named  Christopher Monty Herondale, the blonde one will be Tobias Stephen Herondale. Celine can't helped but to feel amused that I named it after Stephen.

"Well it's either Stephen or Valentine.. Your call.." I tell them amusingly. I hear gasps everywhere. I smirked at them.

"What? I actually liked the Valentine name.." I tell them. Mom only rolled her eyes at me. Izzy and Aline came around six in the afternoon. Aline even told me that Matilda called her telling her that they're arriving later tonight, I only nodded as Celine looks shocked at the moment.

"I forgot about that. Matilda called me the moment she saw the news, she's flying back with Jace..." Celine explained. I cringe when I heard Jace's name. My heart really aches for him but I don't think this is really the right time. I bet Matilda and him are together now, I'm not surprised but I'm not mad either, he has the right to be happy and I won't stop him.

It was already eight in the evening when they all left leaving Nathan and two of my Mom's men to guard the door. Nathan wants to be with me, he told mom that he can take care of me and they can rest and can come back tomorrow.

Mom agreed to that, telling us that we should be careful and be alert since the press is still looking there way to us.

Christopher my red head baby boy is already with me since I need to nurse him. The nurse took Cole away since they still need to take a good care of him. Nathan can't helped but to look at me with warmth.

"Jace is coming Clary. What are you going to do about it?.." Nathan asks me kindly. I sighed and laid the baby carefully to my side.

"This thing with Valentine ain't over. He shot me Nathan. I need to protect myself and more likely my kids. I don't want Jace to be involved. Besides didn't you heard? He's coming back with Matilda..." I tell him with a pointed look. He sighed.

"What if they're not together?" He asks.

I bite my lip. What if they're not together? I remember Celine telling me that Jace isn't seeing anyone. But what if he won't come visit me? Maybe he came just because Matilda said so and for old time sake. We were friends.

"I don't want to ruin what he has now. He's moved on Nathan. I know that I promised you. But I still need to finish this thing about Valentine...What if this time he attempts on killing Jace.." I tell him. He sighed in defeat. He knows that he can't argue with me anymore.

"Alright then, what are you planning to do with Valentine. They said that he's pulling out of the company. He's kind of running away..." He tells me with a stoic voice.

"Running away? No one told me that. I can't let him, I almost died, my baby almost died. I can't let him. I'm making sure that he's going to rot in hell Nathan..."



Matilda and I arrived at New York around eleven in the evening, we went straight to Mom's hotel to settle in. I can't shake the feeling about what really went down. Valentine is really doing this for power and maybe Valentine threatened her before that's why we broke up all of the sudden. But no, she's been with Nathan. I shook my thoughts out. I'm here because we got history. We were friends and I'm worried about her.

Mom greeted us with her genuine smile.

"Why are you still up?" I ask confused.

"I'm waiting for you.." She tells me. Matilda greeted her with a hug and quick peck on the cheeks.

"Well I'm just here to drop Matilda off. I booked another suite for myself..." I tell them and gave her a goodnight kiss. Mom was too baffle to response and stopped me.

I opened my hotel suite and immediately settled my bags on the side and ran off as fast as I could. I can't helped it I want to see Clary and I know tomorrow wouldn't be a great time since, I know it would be full of reporters.

"Jace!" I hear Matilda's voice as I past their hotel suite. I groaned and looked at her.

"I think you're going to need this.." She says throwing me keys and a face mask.

"Car keys..." She tells me. I smirk and ran off.

"Goodluck!" She hollered at me. I waved at her and to be honest I'm nervous right now.

It was already midnight when I arrived at the Hospital. To be honest I'm not so sure what am I going to tell her when she happens to be awake when I arrive. I don't know what am I going to do. But all I know is that I needed to see Clary. I needed to see if she's alright and well.

And to be honest, I don't want her to know that I visited.

Surprisingly I arrived just in time, the two guards who are guarding her door went together for a coffee break, I need to tell mom about those guards they shouldn't be taking break together leaving Clary.. I immediately strut towards her door and sighed.

I reached for the door slowly and carefully opened it. The lights are dim enough and I can see pretty much clear. Clary's on her bed sleeping, I saw Nathan's sleeping figure right beside Clary's bed, he's on this modern lounge. I walked carefully towards Clary's side.

She's peacefully asleep, with a small smile plastered on her face, I frowned. She must be dreaming. A happy dream.

With my shaking hands, I carefully touch her face, rubbing my thumb on her cheek. She lets out a low satisfying moan, that it leaves me with a small smile.

"You're still the same.." I whispered..

"Jace...." She murmurs... My eyes are wide, as I pulled my hand away from her. Breathing heavily. She's not awake though. She just said my name on her sleep. I sighed.

I realized as I eyed her sleeping figure, her huge stomach is gone. What happened? Did she just gave birth? The both of my hands are shaking now. I guess it's really too late for the both of us. I turned around and I saw Nathan, he's wide awake now. He was looking at me. With a shock and worry to his face. But that's not it, he's cradling this little bundle into his arms. I gulped.

He stood up and gave me a pointed look.

"What are you doing here in the middle of the night?" He asks me with his low voice. I gulped.

"I... Uh, we just landed. So yeah..." I tell him casually. He gave me a curt nod.

"Clary just gave birth..." He tells me all of the sudden.

"Oh yeah, I figured that one out..."

"Here, this is Christopher.." He tells me as he gave me the bundle. I was shocked though, still he handed me carefully that I didn't have time to bail on it.

My eyes widens when I saw the baby.

"Is it a boy?"

"Yeah..." He tells me with a smile. He has Clary's red hair and facial structure.. I just wished he's awake for me to see his eyes.

"He's perfect..." I tell him with a sad smile. I can't helped it.

"Yeah he is...." He tells me.. By that time I felt like I'm going to barf, I gulped and immediately handed it to Nathan with care and bailed.

"Jace.... " I hear him calling for me. As I opened the door the two guards are already there looking shocked that I was in there. But they seemed to recognized me and as they let me be.

I walked out of the Hospital with pain. It hurts me to see that Clary's having a family with Nathan.


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