“So, you eat people”? My boyfriend eats people, I feel sick. 

“No” he scoffed “that’s called cannibalism”.

“You know what I meant you drink people blood”.

“Well yes”.

"I've seen you eat people food too". 

"I know I don't find it very appetizing but sometimes the situation calls for it". 

"But I thought Vampires were supposed to be blood crazed"? 

"I'm not a new born Emma obviously sometimes are harder than others to control it, but as long as I top myself up regularly it shouldn't be a problem".

“Do you kill people when you drink from them”?

“I honestly try not to now but I’m not perfect sometimes I take too much blood and they’d die anyway, I’m not sadistic about it I don’t do it for kicks if you stopped eating you’d die while I’d degenerate but still be completely conscious at the same time, very painful by the way. I try blood banks but it doesn’t taste the same, you know how when you buy a new sports bottle? If you don’t wash it out first it gives the drink a hint of plastic to the taste, well it’s same with the bags they keep the blood in and the temperature is another thing altogether there’s nothing worse than cold blood” I could feel my jaw hanging open when he noticed he gave me an apologetic look and squeezed my hands.

“You can’t I’ve, I’ve –“

“I know baby”.

“I’ve, I’ve had my tongue in your mouth and you drink people blood! Will I get a disease”?

“No! Of course not as soon as blood mixes with my enzymes any and all bacteria, disease, virus is wiped out gone dead nonexistent I’m not dirty Emma”.

“But your teeth have been in people, you’ve murdered people I can’t... I always felt so safe with you but I –“

“No Emma you still are safe with me, safest with me I would never hurt you and I don’t kill people anymore”. Anymore? Oh God.

“Don’t lie to me more than you already have”.

“I’m not lying to you”.

“What so everyone you happen to take a sip of goes wandering around thinking ooh I won’t go out tonight in case Dorian pops up again? I don’t think so do you know how many people would be in psychiatric wards if that were true”?

“I have a way around that”.

“Which is”?

“Behind the damn contact lenses I wear” he grumbled and looked as if he were trying to focus on the lense in front of his eyes..

“Excuse me”?

“Alec made me promise to keep them in, a creation of his own actually they have some kind herb in them and solution to sit in when I sleep, they stop my... persuasive streak”.

“If you’re going to talk in stupid little cryptic ways then don’t bother”.

“Vampires, we have the ability to manipulate the mind, well to convince it to do, or say, or forget whatever we want so I make the people I feed from forget what happened and they go on with their lives like nothing happened”.

“But don’t they have marks”?

“I, have my ways”.

“Which are”?

“Never mind for now just please can we talk about us”?

“There’s nothing to say”.

“What’s that supposed to mean? Are you leaving me”? He was actually crying two small tears one from each eye fell down his face and I wanted to kill myself right there so I’d never have to see it again.

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