Destiel: Serial Killers (AU)

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I hope you realized it's a serial killer AU. Appreciate those beauties that I left pictures of. Please don't kill me for what I say in the third paragraph.

It wasn't a good month in Kansas. Two serial killers on the loose recently made their way there, terrorizing the streets instantly. What could be worse? They were talking to each other. Not over text, or in person, but publicly, over evidence video tapes.

They saw each other frequently on the news, so yes, they knew each other to an extent, and got the messages in time to send one back. Both their goals were to meet up, and well, kill the other. It was all just a matter of time.

Dean Winchester. Born January 23, 1979. Committed his first crime in 2000, he was 21, it was armed robbery. He commuted his first murder in 2007, he was 28. It was his little brother, Sam. Then his mother, then father. Just like that, he was on the run, and loving it.

Castiel Novak. Born June 6, 1976. Committed his first crime in 1999, he was 23, it was also his first murder, first degree. Ever since, he's got 47 murders pinned on him and 9 awaiting a decision.

It was a shock when they saw they were both head to the same state, Dean heading North, and Castiel heading South, both towards Dean's hometown.

Dean smirked as he got out of his '67 Chevy. He had his Uzi Submachine

 out and waving it carelessly

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out and waving it carelessly. Wasn't the most impressive in his collection, but it'll get the job done.

He walked in through the main entrance, immediately spotting the security camera. "Castiel! I see we may be meet very soon, friend. See you then." He finished with a wink and continued on his way.

It was a small but classy supermarket, you could see the entire inside from standing on the center register table.

He jumped onto it and shot into the roof, causing a few screams. "Alright, alright, calm the fuck down and come on over." He demanded. It took a while and a few threats to get everyone sitting on the ground in front of him.

"You." He pointed the gun at a middle aged blonde. She let out a son before looking up. "P-Please don't hurt me, I have kids!"


"Call your kids, ma'm." He smiled at her, it was sick and twisted, but a smile no less. She immediately pulled her phone out and was connected to her beloved children.

"Brady? G-Get your brother. Now, please just put me on speaker."

Dean rolled his eyes at the amount of tears streaming down her face. "Boys, listen to me. I-I love you both s-so mu-" Dean shot her in the stomach, and she fell back, phone clenched in hand. People yelped and you could hear the faint 'Mommy? Momma what's wrong?'

He smiled at the fact that her sons listened to her choking on her own blood, life fading quickly.

"Anyone else want to make a phone call?"

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