Thank You All My Lovelies

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Sorry for another non update but this is extremely important. Before I started this book I had other ones, and I felt as though they were terrible and I took them all down. I read fan fics/imagines everyday and I see the thousands of comments and millions of reads and I think,

Wow it must be great to wake up to that every morning.

But then I started this book. And honestly, I thought it would flop, just another imagines book lost in the crowd. But guys, girls, and other lovely readers, this book had over 6.22k reads, 300 votes, and 100 comments. While that's nothing compared to some other books out there, that's a lot.

Over six thousand people have read my book. Out of those six thousand, I gained three hundred votes. Out of those three hundred, some of you took time to write out a comment, either about something that happened in the book, or how good it is, or how much you want the next chapter, and it means so much to me.

I get frequent comments about how talented I am. I've been called a lot of things, but never talented. I don't want to give off the impression I'm bullied, because I'm not, but I have very few friends, and we throw around insults more than compliments, so when I get even just two people complimenting my work, I'm automatically in a good mood and my chest swells.

You all are so amazing, and while I'm the one writing the book, you are the ones encouraging me. Without some of you, I most likely would've stopped already. I thought about it. But then, one day I got a comment, and it said and I quote.



And then there was

No, they're great!


And then

Why am I the only one voting for these? They're awesome!

~@Mr.CastielWinchester (formerly kamijohnson and I don't know why it's not tagging the name properly)

And these may seem small and simple, no big deal, but they encouraged me to keep going, to keep getting better. There are so many more comments that's just make my day, but unfortunately, I can't write down all 101 of them.

Now, I don't know if all of you are going to read this, hell I skip most a/n, but even if you do skip it, that's okay, I just wanted to express how much I love you all and how much your guys's comments mean to me.

So once again, thank you all, and I really hope you'll be sticking around for a while. I promise to make it worth it.

Ps. You may have noticed I went from @CasdeanConfirmed to @yeahbutwhy

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