Destiel: Untitled

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It wasn't hard to understand, really, it wasn't. Dean Winchester was in love with Castiel Novak. He was hopelessly in love. Did he ever do anything about it? Sure. He occasionally spoke to him, never having a full length conversation. Sometimes he wrote what he wanted to say.

Dean was walking through the halls, head down, just wanting to get to class, the only one he had with Castiel. "Hey, Winchester!"

Dean turned his head slightly to see the one person he liked jogging up to him. "Can I walk with you?" Cas asked. "Sure." He mumbled.

That 'sure' sound dull, uninterested, but his stomach was doing flips, and it kept him up that night.

The next day, in that same class, Cas was in the seat across. Dean felt a slight  kick on his leg. He looked up, but Cas had a straight face. Dean pursed his lips slightly before nudging back.

This time there was a slight smile on Cas's face. Then, the whole game broke out. Kicks, brushes, jabs, only stopping when the bell rang. On the way out, Cas playful shoved Dean, both of them breaking into laughter.

That started a new friendship, they'd talk a little more everyday. Dean would make subtle romantic gestures, but Cas would ignore them, and that's what hurt him.

But then he had something worse to hurt him. Cas stopped talking to him, and when he did, he wouldn't look at him.

Dean would spend hours upon hours try to figure out where it went wrong. He never did. And a few months later, it didn't matter.

It wasn't hard to understand, really, it wasn't. Dean fell out of love; and so did Cas.

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