“Yes baby” I went and knelt at her side stroking her dark brown hair out of her beautiful face.

“Is something wrong”? Her eyes anxious.

“No everything’s fine go back to sleep you need rest”.

“I don’t want sleep, I want you” Emma brought a hand to my cheek and gently pulled me to her lips, I didn’t want to stop but there’ll be plenty of time for this when she’s done resting.

“I know baby I want you too but you need to sleep for now”.

“Will you stay”?

“Course I will”.

“Ok” I smiled and Emma began to shut her eyes until a loud pounding sounded at the door. “What’s that”? Eyes open and alarmed Emma tried to sit up so I pushed on her shoulders lightly to keep her down.

“Shh shh it’s nothing sweet heart sleep now, rest for me ok”?

“No what is that”?

“It’s just Alec”.



“What’s going on”?  

“EMMA, EMMA COME OUT HERE QUICK”? She started to move again trying to get free but I couldn’t let her. It felt like my life was burning down around me and I helpless to do anything but to watch.

“Please stay here” I begged.

“Dorian what’s happening? You can tell me”. I buried my face into her neck and felt her arms hug me into her more as she stroked my hair I felt so safe sheltered by her and I never want to move. “Shh shh it’s ok, it’s ok”. I love her so much why does loving someone have to be so damn difficult when it’s the best you could do for anyone, maybe if this all ends a lot better than I think it will I’ll ask Emma she’s good as those kinds of questions.

“EMMA” Alec hadn’t let up on the door.

“What”? She called still holding me.


“No I’m busy” and my heart swelled when she placed a kiss on the top of my head.


“That’s it” she muttered “if the boy wants to be a pest he’ll be treated like one. Dorian baby get up a second” I looked up at her in wonder.

“Say it again” she called me baby... now is not the time to be aroused.

“Baby” she purred I moved more so I didn’t attack her with lust than to get out of her way. “Stay here” she told me making me sit on her bed and I agreed because well, my life was hanging in the balance and Alec wouldn’t hurt her and neither would the paste. Emma bent to her knees and started to grope under her bed for something. Five seconds later she pulled out I assume the exact same chrome baseball bat she threatened me with the first time we met and made her way to the still shaking door. Emma unlocked the door but filled the small gap that she had allowed the door to open by. “What do you want”? Her weariness was still apparent in the way she was holding herself, leaning on the frame of her door.

“Just a little chat with Dorian”.

“Well Dorian isn’t available for chatting so please leave before I swing this baseball bat in the direction of your face”.

“There’s no need for that just let me talk with him”.

“No, last warning Alec”. Emma was sent flying as Alec shoved at the door I was on my feet immediately at Emma’s side holding her to me making sure she was ok.

“Are you hurt”? I asked desperately surveying her for any visible signs of damage.

“No I’m fine but Alec’s face is about to take a turn for the worst” Emma tried to get up again but I kept her with me instead, not wanting her to move if I’m about to die I want her to be the last thing I see.

“Emma get away from him”.


“Emma he’s dangerous”.

 “Don’t be so stupid, do you know how many times I’ve been alone with him he’s had plenty of opportunity if that’s what he wanted”.

“You don’t understand Emma he’s not human” at that she scoffed.

“What is he a Martian”? She asked with fake interest.

“He’s a vampire” I froze knowing my happiness has at last come to it’s end.

“What do you take me for? Alec you’re really starting to piss me off and I don’t have the energy right now to argue please leave”.

“I’m serious Emma and he claims that you’re his mate”.

“His what? That’s so...prehistoric and cringy, please tell me you didn’t say that” Emma asked turning her beautiful face to me.

“May have slipped out” she rolled her eyes.

“And are you a vampire”?

“Yes” she did a double take expecting me to say no and confusion quickly turned to anger.

“You both set this up between you didn’t you? This whole time all of it was you, that whole talk in the forest that was a part of it wasn’t it? You guys are sick” she tried to get up out of my arms but I wouldn’t let her. “Let go”.

“It’s the truth” both Alec and I spoke out in unison.

“Get off of me”.

“It’s true sis think about it”.

“About what”?

“Remember what Zoe said to you” I whispered in her ear and over everything else that seemed to get through to her.

“He wants your red, oh shit” Emma left my arms and I didn’t try to stop her this time just watched her pace the length of her bed. “No this is just you two being assholes trying to mess with my head”.

“No Emma" Alec tried again. "It’s the truth remember Maddi and how they couldn’t find the animal that attacked her? Here’s your animal” Alec pointing at me with the acusatory finger and Emma's face an impassive mask. 


I can't resist leaving you this note guys, but pretty please if you like this story enough to put it in your library and I know some of you have because it shows up in my news thing then please vote or comment or dare I say fan? The only reason I carry on through chapters sometimes are for those of you who write to me and tell me to keep going, writers need encouragement and support guys so please just a small word or click here or there would be great and if you want me to read anything or fan in return I would be happy to we need to stick together here. 

Thanks as always for reading it means a lot, good reading and writing to you all. 


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