Life changing things.

Start from the beginning

'I think I might be late.' I admitted, looking around for my phone.

'Late? Do you have an appointment?' Guys can be so oblivious sometimes.

'No, Varun.' I finally found my phone. 'Just hold on a second. I need to check something.' I opened my phone and flicked through my apps to my tracker.

I was right. I was over a week late.

'Alia, can you tell me what's going on?'

'Varun, you know that thing that girls get every month?' I wasn't comfortable talking about this with anyone, not even my sister. Talking about it with Varun was even more awkward.

'You mean a period?'


'What about it?' There was confusion written on his face and I wondered how a grown man couldn't connect the dots.

'I'm late. Like over a week late. I've never been late by more than a couple of days.' The lights finally went on.


'Yeah, oh.'

'So what do we do? Do you wanna get a test or what?' He asked, probably a little nervous.

'I don't really trust the tests. Shaheen took three before going to the doctor and they all came back negative. I think I'll make an appointment.'

'Okay. You do that and I can go get the shopping if you want.' Helpful as always.

'It's okay. I'll do the shopping. You'll take longer, I'm less known than you are now.' I joked.

'You'll always be well known. People still want you to start acting again. Me included.'

'Not now. When Anjali is a little older maybe. Right now, she needs one of us to be at home.' He nodded. 'Okay, I'm gonna go. I have to stop at the doctors on the way for the prescription. I'll be back in an hour or so.'

'I'll call you if I need you. Or if I remember something we need.'

'And I will call you after I've made the appointment.' He nodded again and I gave him a quick kiss before leaving.

Varun P.O.V.

It's been a couple of days and we're at the doctors now. Anjali is with Shraddha - or as Anjali likes to say, Shraddhu fui seeing as I have no sisters and Shraddha is practically my sister. Plus aunty didn't sound right.

I was waiting anxiously, and maybe a little impatiently, for Alia to be called. My leg kept bouncing of its own accord.

'Varun, calm down. We don't know anything for sure.' Alia told me.

'I know but I can't help it. I just keep thinking about having another kid.' I never refer to Anjali as anything other than my daughter. And I never will. 'Getting to see all those firsts again. First word, first steps, first smile. And this time maybe we can both be there, you know. I won't just see it on video when you send it to me.' I hadn't actually been at home when Anjali had said her first words. I had been filming and then I got off set and had a message with a video of Anjali saying Papa. It was mixed with babble but she was very clearly saying Papa.

'I know, jaan. But let's find out before we think too far ahead.' I nodded but my leg was still bouncing a little.

'Alia Dhawan.' A nurse called. I stilled and got up at the same time as Alia did. She gave me a small, slightly nervous smile and we went through the doors.

'Alia, Varun, I can actually say good to see you this time.' Dr. Patel, our family doctor, joked as we walked in. 'From what I've seen about the reason for this appointment, you may be getting some good news.'

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