Eventually he got over it, but it shocks me that he had a problem with it.

Either way, I went ahead and signed the film. Today was the first day of filming and Sid insisted that he come with me.

'Sid, it's a couple of hours on a plane! I'm capable of going by myself.' I told him.

'Or it's a four hour drive. Do you have a problem with me coming?' He asked, helping me put my stuff in the boot.

'It's just a waste of time for you. Four hours there and four hours back. That's an eight hour round trip. What's the point? It's not like I'm going to see some people I don't know. Shashank and Karan are going to be there. And so is Varun.' I said, shutting the boot.

'And that is exactly why I am coming with you.' I sighed.

'Sid, for the thousandth time, me and Varun are just friends. There is nothing going on between us. He is happy with Natasha and I am happy with you.' I told him.

'Alu-' I cut him off before he could continue.

'What have I told you about that?' I asked. I didn't like when he said Alu. It just sounds weird in his deep voice.

'I don't see why I can't call you Alu. You let Varun.'

'Because it doesn't sound so weird. That is the only reason.'

'Okay fine. Alia, I would just be a lot more comfortable if you let me drop you off. And it's not just about you and Varun. He's my friend too. Am I not allowed to meet him?' I knew he would use this argument.

'Okay. But we need to leave now. Otherwise you won't get back until gone midnight.' He was literally driving four hours to drop me off and then leaving again after about an hour. It was almost three now.

'Okay. Come on let's go.' I went round to sit in the passengers side as he went to the drivers seat.

Sid P.O.V.

Alia had fallen asleep about two hours into the journey. I had known she would, she has a habit of falling asleep in the car.

I woke her up as I pulled into a spot outside the hotel. I knew it was the right hotel because Varun's blue Audi was parked in the spot next to me.

'Why is it so dark?' Alia asked, getting out of the car and stretching.

'It's seven in the evening. The sun has set, Alia. And it isn't that dark.'

'Seven? I slept for two hours? I must've been tired.' She said, opening the boot.

'Or you just can't stay awake in a moving car.' I helped her pull her bag from the car and set it down.

'That too. You remember when we would travel for promotions for Student and me and Varun would fall asleep and you'd just be sat there when we woke up?' I nodded and began walking to the doors, not wanting to stay out in the cooler evening air. She followed, wheeling her bag behind her.

As we walked through the automatic doors into the lobby, we were met by a mess of noise. I looked around for the source and found it was coming from the film crew.

'The noisiest film crew on the planet.' Alia told me with a huge smile. 'Also the best.' She was smiling fondly at the group that was yet to notice us.

'Should I be offended that I am not part of what you consider to be the best film crew on the planet?' I was more than a little hurt that Varun was included in that group when I wasn't.

'No. These people are like my family, Sid. I love working with them. This is like coming home for me.' She said. It didn't exactly make me feel better but I didn't want an argument. 'Okay, come meet them now.' I nodded and she began to walk across the tiled floor.

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