Chapter 40: Practice

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Riker POV

"Rydel you have to practice!" I say trying to convince her to play the piano.

"Fine... If I get to sleep with you still?" Rydel says yawning. The past few days... She has been sleeping with me and she's finally calming down.

"Practice in five!" Dad yells. Ross and Rocky get ready while Rydel lays on her piano.

Ratliff walks in all of the sudden smiling but with.. The witch of the west Kelly. Rydel looks up and starts banging her head on the piano keys.

"Why is she here?" Ryland says bitterly. Rocky and I look at each other.

"Because she's my girlfriend so she can come watch." Ratliff says sweetly but protectively.

"Sorry but she's not aloud." Rocky says getting mad.

"Yeah sorry but no girlfriends during practice." Ryland finished.

"Fine." Ratliff says and turns and gives Kelly a kiss on the cheek. Throw up here.

When Kelly left, things got more awkward. Rydel kept on banging her head against her piano.

"Rydel are you okay?" Ratliff asks looking real worried.

"DONT TALK TO ME." Rydel says firmly and runs to her room and slams the door. Okkkayyy. But then Ratliff ran after her and shut the door behind him.

He's in Rydel's room.

Rydel POV

I slam my door and start crying against the wall. Suddenly my door opened and slammed and I hoped it was Riker. I was wrong. It was Ratliff.

He stared at me for a second. I felt like I wanted to kiss him so much.... I can't anymore! Kelly.... Kelly did what she had planned... :(

"Rydel are you okay?" He asks me. He does look worried.

"I'm... Just fine." I say. He sits by me.

"You are not. Tell me." He says. I look down. He suddenly did was not expected.

He kissed me.

I push him away and start crying and he hugs me.

"Why are you crying?? You broke up with me." He says more confused. I sigh.

"I had to!" I yell.


"Because I had to!" I yell. He starts getting mad. I suddenly pin him down and kiss him and he kisses back so passionately.

"Now can you tell me?" He asks out of breath.

"Okay. Kelly threatened me." I say. He stares at me.

"No she wouldn't."

"Oh yes she would. She said I had to break up with you or shell tell my secrets." I say. He looks at me and rubs my cheek.

"I'm sorry." He says looking in my eyes.

"Me too." I say. He kisses me and I smile. I feel safe again.

"Rydel... I love you and I never stopped." He says making me get tears of joy.

"I love you too."I say smiling. He kisses me and I giggle.

I realized something.

I just fell for Ratliff.

_____________________________ AWWWWWWW!!!! :-) See why I named it this?? :)

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