Chapter 4: Rydel's Dream

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Rydel POV

One moment I was singing Shut Up and Let Me Go. Everyone in the crowd was smiling and cheering me on. It was a dream.... Before me.

I was walking around the stage singing when all of the sudden everything starts going like a blur. I see three or four Rikers. I soon felt so dizzy that I fall on the ground and I soon couldn't even sing.

I blink my eyes hard. I see everyone running towards me. I look to see Ratliff hasn't noticed yet. I look at everyone. They all were terrified at what was happening.

Ratliff soon got by me. I wanted to scream and yell for him to kiss me..... What?!

Before I knew it Ratliff put me in a chair and I bursted out crying in his shoulder. Ratliff held me close. He was so warm...

"Everyone needs to step away from Rydel. She needs a nurse." Rocky says. Ratliff still doesn't let me go. I don't either.

Soon I was put on the bus with my mom. She had a cold towel on my forehead and I was covered in a blanket.

"Sweetie... I hope your okay now. I will be here all night." My mom says. I smile slightly.

I close my eyes and I.....


I was sitting on a swing swinging happily laughing. Everyone was throwing water balloons while I was swinging. I notice that Ross looked like he was like twelve or thirteen.

"Rydel? Can I swing with you?" Ratliff says starting to swing with me.

We start laughing. I jumped out of my swing and so did he. We both landed on our backs against the grass. I look at the sky smiling.

"Isn't it nice to be out of this world for a second?" Ratliff asks.

"I guess so. It's just so pretty."

"It's pretty like your eyes." Ratliff compliments me. I blush.

"Well I guess that I'm pretty!" I say giggling. We look at each other for a second. He starts to lean in when a frisbee hits him in the head.

"Hey!" He says getting up and throws the frisbee to Ryland.

For a minute there I thought he was going to kiss me.... That would've been wonderful... WAIT!

-stops dreaming-

I sit up and realize something. I need to tell my mom.

"Rydel! Your awake!" Ratliff says running and hugging me real tight.

"Rat I can't breathe!" I tease him making him stop and smile at me. Do not blush, do not blush, do not blush!

Okay.... I do blush. Ratliff smiles making me smile wide like a idiot.

Okay........ I DO NOT LIKE RATLIFF, I DONT LIKE RATLIFF, I DO NOT LIKE RATLIFF..... That isn't working....

I realize..... I might actually be in love with Ratliff.

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