Chapter Twenty-Two: C is for Catch and Release

Start from the beginning

Central Park was warm and sunny and not the grey rainy day I’d always imagined the truth would come out on.

Clara lent across the bridges rail and looked onto the lake, she turned to see the sunlight catching Dean’s beautiful dark hair and he reminded her of those adverts on TV for shampoo.

She laughed at the thought.

“What’s so funny?” asked Dean taking a step back from making aim of throwing more bread crumbs to the ducks.

“You acting like a child with these ducks!” replied Clara not even in the slightest mood to tell him what she was really thinking of him at that moment.

“I’d like to see you try it!” He said showing Clara his goofy grin.

“Can we be serious for a moment?” Clara whispered know now she could finally say it.

“Sure, what’s on your mind?” replied Dean feeling slightly concerned since what had happened this morning.

“Remember how Harrison went away and I finally stopped looking at you like you were this stupid nobody?” Clara thought to herself setting the mood and tone was the easy part, only now was she realising she’d totally given it too much credit.

“It’s kind of hard not to forget those days Clara they’re what made me, me!”

“Yeah I can relate to it in more ways than one,” Clara sighed.

“How, up until Harrison left I was your number one target Clara!” Dean kind of sounded annoyed to old wounds being brought up.

“I know and don’t think I myself and Harrison didn’t pay a price for it, because we both did.” Clara couldn’t look Dean in the eye and turned to looking at the lake.

“Clara seriously do we have to bring this up we’re changed people, I know you changed so what’s the matter?”

“What the matter is, is the past back then it’s all linked to why I don’t want to have sex with you!” Clara could feel tears welling up in her eyes.

“You don’t want to have sex with me because I’m dorky is that what you’re saying, you’d really rather Harrison over me?”

“No not that and I never ever would want sex from Harrison!”

Now saying you’d never want sex with Harrison is a lie after all you’ve already done it!

“Then stop playing games Clara and tell me why!”

“I was raped Dean, raped!” Tears began to fall down Clara’s cheeks as she admitted the truth she’d been holding back the truth far too long.

“Raped?” Dean replied bewildered and confused.

“Senator Andrews rapped me, Harrison walked in as he did it!”

“Harrison’s father raped you?” said Dean pulling Clara into his chest.

“Yes and he sent Harrison away so no one would ever find out, I’ve never told a soul about it. Not even my Grandmother in the fear no one would believe me!” Clara answered sobbing into Dean’s chest. “I can’t bring myself to love someone like that, I fear I’m going to relive it every time!”

“Oh Clara if I’d known I’d never have pressured you so much to breaking point, I’m so sorry. I love you Clara!” said Dean hugging tightly to her.

Clara hugged him back but she couldn’t bring herself to whisper into his ears “I love you too.” That was too much for now or maybe those weren’t the right words she was looking for.

 Clara was confused even after confessing the truth to the one she loved, or maybe the one she loved was angrily sitting in a bar lapping his bad luck up with shots of tequila hoping he’d get drunk and end up with some random girl in her bed.

Love is like a drug but a dangerous one to take a chance on, and dear little C clueless to the dangerous game she’s playing.

You can tell a truth but cover another lie in its place, but that is just the deception of creating the conception to break any romance.

You simply can’t Catch it or Release it, it’s just not something you can give out and then take back. So you mi

Love isn’t a game to toy with it and I promise C you’ll get twice the Karma if you try it!

C is forC is for how Complicated can things get after all that has happened? Don’t underestimate the world and it’s games C, I’m telling you now!  What you think was all not good news now is a far cry from the things to come.

After finding Clarity in a room full of fine China the old Lady set your world on fire, and you know Some Cravings Never Go because she hurts you so.

I pledge Chastity! For what for when you do naughty deeds after making such promises?

 Cute Cherries don’t Cry but sometimes we all have a reason to cry even if as cute as cherry pie!

So why not Catch and Release a new problem for an old one instead and face the facts life is a complicated mess.

So dear C before I let you go, let me give you this warning that a new reign is a dawning. Will you be dethroned and put to the slaughter, or will you reign supreme and take down anyone that dares to counter act your crown?

Hmm we’ll all have to wait and see...

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