Chapter 32

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Zoey's pov

"Whatcha doing?" Ashton asks, plopping down on the couch, beside me.

"Watching fetus 5 Seconds of Summer videos," I reply, pausing the What Makes You Beautiful/ One Thing cover.

"What?" Ashton questions. I turn the laptop around so that he could see the screen.

Ash takes one look at it, then blushes. I giggle.

"Those sucked," Ash states.

I roll my eyes at him, "No they didn't. They were so cute. You guys were adorable. What happened?"

"Ha ha. Very funny," he mutters. I laugh at him, which makes Ash smile.

"So what are you up to? I mean, other than interrupting my YouTube marathon?" I question.

"I actually had to come get you for the show. You distracted me though," he says. I roll my eyes and shut off my laptop before following him off of the bus.

"Great job, Zoey! The showers are open if you want to head back there," Andrew tells me.

I nod, panting and sweating like crazy. I wave goodbye to him, then jog over to the dressing room, where my change of clothes and shower stiff was waiting for me.

After I finish up in my shower, then boys were still performing. I grin and wave to Calum from the wing. He smiles back at me.

I play on my phone for a few minutes before I get bored of Crossy Road. I exit the app and click on Instagram.

I scroll through my feed, occasionally liking pictures from fans.

My heart almost stops when I come to one posted by Riley. I check the time on it. It was from ten minutes ago. An icy feeling creeps into my stomach as I click on his profile.

His profile was full of recently posted pictures. Which meant that he wasn't in jail. Because they don't have WiFi and cell phones in prison.

I click on his latest post and almost pass out. He was in New York, the same place that we were going next. I start to hyperventilate.

"Zoey? Zoey what's wrong?" Andrew demands, suddenly at my side. I can't answer. Bad memories start to rerun in my mind. I couldn't breathe. The room starts to spin. Black spots flash across my vision.

"Zoey Noel! Listen to me. Deep breath in. And out," Andrew commands, holding my shoulders. I try to control my breathing.

I finally stopped hyperventilating. But I burst into tears instead. I was terrified. I notice there was a couple of medics around me. I glance past then and see Calum, still on stage, but looking confused. He was trying to see who was behind the wall of medics.

My eyes wander down to my phone screen again and I see the picture of Riley in front of the Empire State Building.

And I break free of Andrew's grasp and go running for the bus.

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