Chapter 28

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Zoey's pov

"Zoey? Are you awake?" Peyton whispers, pulling the curtain on my bunk back.

"Yeah. Why?" I ask, turning on my side so that I face him.

"I need to talk to you," Peyton answers. My smile fades a little bit. I throw the blanket off of my legs and climb off of my bunk. The two of us creep out to the main part of the bus.

"What's up?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

He takes a deep breath and looks up at me, "Please don't be mad at me." My heart falls some more. These conversations are never good.

"I have to go back home. Like right now. My mom just called me. She was diagnosed with cancer. I have to help-"

I cut him off, "Peyton it's fine. I understand. I had an aunt who was diagnosed with cancer when I was two. I get it. Go home and be with your mom."

I know for a fact that he's not lying, because he would give his life for his mom. He would never joke around about something like this.

"You mean it?" He asks me. I nod.

"Thank you so much, Zoey. I just, I'm worried about her. I don't want to lose her," Peyton tells me.

"I know. It'll be okay. Now go home. Your mom will be waiting for you. Make sure you tell her hi for me," I say, kissing him.

Peyton pulls me into a hug and gives me another long kiss.

"I'll see you again when she's better," he promises me, grabbing his suitcase.

I nod, "You better call me everyday mister." Peyton grins and gives me another kiss before he climbs off of the bus. I glance out the window and realize that we stopped at the airport. Peyton probably begged the driver to.

I watch as my boyfriend turns and blows me one last kiss as the bus starts to pull away. I pretend to catch it, then wave back until he disappears from sight.

I sigh and sit down on the couch. I know I'll never be able to fall back asleep, so I grab my laptop and turn it on.

While that's booting up, I play with my bracelet from Peyton. I smile to myself and run my fingers over he beads that spell out Peyton.

The laptop turns on. I unlock it and go into Netflix. I click on Cutthroat Kitchen and select the next espisode.

After a few minutes of watching the people make food, I get hungry. I grab a snack, then play my show again. This was going to be a long night.

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