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"Phil can you stop, it hurts so much". I tried pushing him away but failed. I was tired and just wanted to sleep. "Hmm let's see, no I'm enjoying it you and you should too".

I groaned and gave a him a 'smile'. Even thought I hated what he was doing, I saw that he was having fun so I just let him. "That's enough", I said sternly. He gave me a look and I quickly regretted how I said it.

I he did it even harder which made realize I'm going to be sore and have a small bruise. "Please Phil, I'm tired and it hurts". I heard a sigh and he stopped. He got up and walked towards the restroom, I heard a few words come out of his mouth.

"What was that", I asked expecting no answer but he repeated what he said.

**Scroll all the way down**

"It's not my fault you have dimples, I mean you know how I am, I like poking stuff".

That was fun.....tell me what you thought was happening before I finished

peace thugpugs
Stay beautiful

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