I Dunno

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Request are being taken if you want to submit one. Also I'm sorry for not updating regularly it's school that's taking all my free time. I was planning on updating but I got super distracted since I have to do a fundraiser and some school work.

Uhhh starting to get really anxious but I'm getting better at controlling myself which is good. Had a band test yesterday started to have a panic attack but still managed to take the test and got a 80. Pretty sure I failed my algebra test......and I also have a Spanish test coming next week.....IDK ANYTHING. They located me in a Spanish for Spanish speakers class and I'm really behind since well...I don't understand half of what the teacher is trying to explain.

Halloween is coming up so that's something good. Planning on spending the day with my friends.... Hopefully...... Scary movies are like yuzz.

So anyways....this is it. My friend fell asleep on me...which is funny because she finally thought she made it past 11.

Yes that's all I'm sleep asf but I gotta make it to 1...... One hour to go....wooo

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