Gay Marriage/Phan

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My eyes gleamed with excitement after watching the news, I grabbed the phone and quickly called Phil. 'Hey Phil did you hear about the news, I practically screamed. 'Dude yes I'm so glad that the supreme Court actually made a good decision for once' Phil said sounding proud for our country.

'I also wanted to tell you something but not through phone call' I said determined to tell him how I feel about him. 'Oh okay so wanna make video in honor of this day' Phil said with a hint of excitement. 'Yes, I'll be home in a few' I said while jumping off the bed nearly falling. 'Okay, bye' Phil said hanging up.

I'm finally going to tell him how I feel, I thought to my self. I got in my car and drove to my apartment). I arrived and walked up to floor number 4 and then towards room 38E. I texted Phil because I had forgotten my keys.

D- hey I'm at the door and I don't have my keys.
P- the door is unlocked come in.
D- Mk.

I walked in and saw phil setting up the camera and the lights. 'Hey, need any help', I asked which he gladly...denied. He accidentally turned on the camera on which I didn't tell him because I got distracted.

'So yea what I wanted to tell you is that I have had feelings for you ever since we met', I said blushing ready to hear him reject me. I felt a hand on my thigh. 'Dan I also have feelings for you, and I wanted to ask you do you want to be my boy-', he was quickly interrupted by both of our phones blowing up our twitter notifications. We saw a few of them and they all said 'PHAN CONFIRMED.... DAMN I THOUGHT DANRIFIC WAS REAL......CUTEST COUPLE OF 2015'.

Me and phil were dumfounded by all these tweets. We looked towards the camera and it was turned on. 'Shit we're live on YouTube', I screamed and looked towards Phol. We looked towards the camera and kinda smiled. 'Well hey guysss.....umm Phan is real I guess' I said blushing. 'And to end the video' phil spoke up. I quickly felt phils lips on mines. 'Well that's all for today byeee'.

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