Meet Up

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"Hey guys so me and Kyle are doing a meet up at the beach so if you want come on down". The Snapchat ended and I posted it on my story we were a few minutes away frok arriving. After what seemed to be 45 minutes we arrived and found a parking spot. We got out the car and started taking a table a two chairs and of course a little tent. We set everything up and noticed that nothing was going on. "Hey kyle I'm going to swim for a bit wanna come"? I asked while taking of my shirt. "Yes sure, beat you there".

He said and started walking towards the water. "Cheater I wasn't ready". I said while running. I passed him and jumped into the water. The water was warm but felt good, I walked further and the water level deepened. The water reached my knees, I sat down and everything went away. I heard kyle sit in front of me, he splashed splashed water onto my face. Water went into my mouth and I started coughing at its taste. After I couldn't taste anything I jumped on top of Kyle pushing him in further to the water.

I pulled back up and something came to my mind. I pulled him closer until we were face to face, I wanted to pull away but instead I leaned in and kissed him. He didn't hesitate to kiss back, I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. We both pulled away and looked at each others eyes, his eyes were gorgeous. I snapped out of it and laughed.

"You're a good kisser". I said while blushing a little. "Thanks you are too". He leaned back in for another but instead of hiving him another I splashed water on his face. He started to laugh and pushed me off of him and stood up, he helped me stand up. Once we were both up he grabbed my hands and pulled me into another kiss. I was lost in the kiss but then remembered about the meet up.

"Kyle we forgot about the meet up". He gasped and started running pulling me with him. The tent was at sight and a hugeeeee line of people were there. We looked at each other and started running from the end of the line to the tent. People were screaming and jumping, we finally made it to the tent. We sat down and started signing and taking pictures. In a few of them me and Kyle were holding back laughter.

After a few hours we were almost done. A girl was next she told Kyle that she didn't watch his videos nor mines. She came around the table and kissed kyle, kyle had a surprised face. I pulled kyle towards me. "Sorry he's one and only mines". Kyle cleaned his mouth and kissed me in front of her. "Fags". Is all she said and walked away, we laughed our asses off and continued with the meet up.

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