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I am sick and tired of seeing kyle say he gets all the death threats and hate... He could have kept it a secret but didnt, he choose to trust all of us. He wanted us to support his decision but some people do the exact same opposite. People that are sending him and Meghan hate should grow tf up, if you really loved him you should support him and anything he chooses to do with his life. Its not only hurting him its hurting ALL of the MDE members. They trust us to support them with anything, how do you think they feel seeing everything negative directed to Kyle?? Does kyle sesrve this?? NO! Oh yeaaaa let's not forget about #cutforkohnnie..... What is that supposed to accomplish??? If they see all the ignorance how would they feel.... They will feel let down by there own god damn family.

And thank you for everyone that is supporting him through everything. You might not ship him and Meghan but that doesn't mean you can just create gate accounts, send hate and worst of all DEATH THREATS.

So if you are an actual MDE fan go on any social media you have and show your support towards kyle show him that you will always be there for him.

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