Lecture time

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~previously: Bryan baled kyle and Johnnie out of jail all thanks to them having sex in a car~


I drove to the police station and had to 500$ for them to release these two idiots. After they let them go we walked to my car, the car ride was silent until I broke it.

'What were you two thinking, I mean in a damn rode were other people can see'. I looked over to the rearview mirror and saw then trying not laugh. 'This isn't funny, I was getting ready to watch Netflix and have a nice dinner'. They both looked down qhne I noticed kyles hand on johnnies lap.

'Kyle keep that hand to your self or I'm going to chop it off'. He swiftly removed his hand and put it in his pocket. We arrived at my house and told them to go in and sit down far from each other. I gave Johnnie my key and they ran towards the door, kyle sat down on the right side couch and johnnie on the far left one.

'Okay thanks to you two I have to stay up all night and have a serious conversation'. I sat on the floor so I could see both of their faces. I took a deep breath 'we are going to make a video', they both looked at me confused. I stood up and grabbed the camera placed it where I was sitting and turned it on.

'Hey guys I'm Bryan and these to are idiots'. I said while turning to them. 'So the reason why I'm doing this video is because...... Kyle and Johnnie went to jail....why you may ask its because they had sex in a car'. I simply said when Kyle interrupted. 'We jus-', 'shut up kyle I'm the only one who is talking now'. I took out the ticket that they gave me and showed it to the camera.

'Okay this is serious.... Okay if youre going to have sex make sure its in a private place were cops can't see like a fucking hotel', I said trying so hard to keep things serious.

'And one more thing....since I'm a Kohnnie shipper I can't stay mad at them, and there for KOHNNIE IS CONFIRMED but don't do anything that stupid again, KOHNNIE SHIPPER CAN GO NUTS NOW BECAUSE WELL THEY HAD SEX!!', I said breaking the peacefulness. 'KISS KISS KISS KISS', I said when they got up walked to each other and kissed.

I posted the video and all my social media notifications started to blow up with Kohnnie edits and stuff.

Someone told me to do the lecture part and I did thanks so much for everyone's support love ya byee ~scar

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