Dentist Visit

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'Johnnie', I groaned in pain Turing into a little ball on the couch. 'What's wrong', he said sounding worried. 'My tooth hurts so much the pain is unbearable', I said clutching my left side. He looked lost like he didn't know what to do. 'Do you uh what me to take you to the dentist to go check it out', he said grabbing a pack of ice from the refrigerator. 'Y-yes ple-owwwww', I started to say but soon felt a sharp pain.

He grabbed his car keys and ones the door. I stood up way to quickly which made my teeth grind against each other. 'Holy fuck', I scream out and slowly started walking out the door. We got in the car and buckled up. Johnnie kept on hitting some bumbs.


We arrived at the dentist and got out the car we walks towards the door and went in. I sat down in one of the chairs while Johnnie filled out the papers. After a while I heard one of the nurses call my name and signaled me to come in. I went in and got some x-rays done. They sat me down in one of the rooms when a tall brown headed man come in.

'Are you Mr.David hall', he said looking down at the clipboard. 'Yeu' I tried to say without closing my mouth. Okay so I saw in the x-rays that your wisdom tooth is infected. 'Okay so what do you have to do', I asked kind of worried. 'All we have to do is pull it out and you're done', he said while taking out the supplies needed.

'Would you like your friend to be in here' he asked signaling a nurse to come in. 'Yes', I said shaking a bit. 'Okay he'll be here in a minute but right now we need to put you on laughing gas. I saw him putting a little mask like thing on my face when everything went black.



I state to shake kyle when he woke up. 'What, don't touch me you peasant I am your king and I rule', I remembered to grab my camera and I state filming. 'Whoahhh that's so coolll where did you get that, wait you're an alien get away', kyle started to scream and I was trying so hard not laugh.

'Kyle do you remember anything that hapned earlier', I asks him waiting for a response but found him laying down trying to sw on the floor. 'Kyle what the hell', I said while picking him up from the floor. 'Omg someone cut off my finger', he said and should me his hand whish he was hiding this thumb.

I had to carry him to the car because he kept on running around lifting up his shirt screaming I know you want me. I sat him down in the car seat and put the camera in front if him. 'Ledeledel im Patrick and you are', he said when he started laughing. ' I CAME I LIKE A WRECKING BALL', when he started head banging which caused the camera to fall.

'Omg guyss are you okay, I'm a murder take me to jail I killed them', he said which made to burst out loud laughing. 'Its not funny if you don't take me to jail you're my also going to and I don't want that to happen because I love you'.

~after affects ~

'Johnnie what are you laughing at', he asked when I turned the computer to him and he saw the video. 'Why was I acting like that', you were drugged. 'Oh and kyle I posted it on YouTube'. His jaw dropped and ran upstairs.

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