Parrot Problems

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**Idea given from Lexie666Woods!! (Psttt go read her story)**



"I'm a pretty bird". I sighed and walked over to the living room and starred at the parrot. I heard footsteps and felt Johnnies hand snake around my waist.

"Ooooooo". I heard the bird say and heard Johnnie laugh. "Why a parrot? Out of all birds". I simply asked and leaned my head back onto his neck.

Johnnie let go of me and walked over to the couch. "Well I always wanted one and well yea". I simply nodded my head remembered I had to go to work.

"Oh crap I'm going to be late for work". I said ran out the door without saying by.


I was left alone on the couch, I grabbed the remote and started flipping through some channels. "Lazy ass lazzzzy ass". I snapped my head over to the bird.

I got up and covered the cage with a small blanket. I started walking back to the couch when an idea popped my mind. I walked up to my room and got on my lap top.

I logged on onto a 'special site' I removed my pants and boxers and started to stroke my member. I started moaning loudly a few curse words along with kyles name.

I soon came and started cleaning my self up and got dressed. I walked down stairs and took off the blanket and fed the bird. I then heard keys shuffling outside and then Kyle walked in.

I walked over to him and gave him a hug. "Mhmm fuck kyle". My eyes widened at the words and moans coming from the bird. Kyle gave me a small smile and I started blushing.

Kyle walked over to the bird and soon it started making the noise again. I sat on the couch with my head low. I stood up and walked over to kyle, I opened the cage and grabbed the parrot.

I walked back to the couch and out him down. As I put him on the couch she flew out the window.

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