First Date

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Leo was taking you out on a date, and told you to wear something comfy. You wore jeans and t-shirt with your blue and black sneakers, and pulled your hair into a high ponytail.
Leo was waiting at the entrance of the Lair, and gasped when he saw you.

"Wow, you look beautiful Y/n."

"Thanks Leo, you don't look so bad yourself." You giggle, taking his hand.

He walks you to a cover and opens it, climbing up first before lifting you out. Then he picks you up and climbs a building, and leaping over the roof tops.

You soon find yourself in a huge tree in the park, and Leo pulls out a hidden basket in the branches filled with delicious treats.
You eat in silence, smiling at the peaceful night. Once you done Leo pulls you up and climbs to the top of the tree, where the full moon was shining bright.

"Hey Y/n, look." Leo whispered.

You looked and gasped. Millions of fireflies were spread across the park, blinking their lights on and off. It was like in a movie.

"Oh my, Leo it's beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you." He whispers.

You both stay on the tree top, watching the fireflies, and listening to the crickets.

Donnie wanted to take you to a science fair, but it started to rain, and everything was closed.
But Donnie was determined to take you out, and he told you to dress warm and comfy, so you wore black skinny jeans and a long sleeved shirt with purple boots that come to below your knees.
Donnie smiled as you came out and held his arm out to you.

"Oh what a gentleman." You giggle, taking his arm.

Don chuckles and leads you out to a cover, telling you to step back before opening it.
Rain falls through, and you give Donnie a worried glance before he climbs up.

"C'mon Y/n, I've got you." He calls down.

You climb up, completely dry, and see Donnie with a purple umbrella.

"No one's out, so we can walk around freely." He smiles.

You smile back and hold his hand while walking down the streets of New York, chatting happily about smart stuff.

Raph told you to dress casual, so you wore a red t-shirt and black skinny jeans, with black combat boots and a leather jacket.
When you walked out Raph whistled.

"Whoa, I'm going on a date with an angel."

You laughed and took his hand as you walked out. He walked to a grate and pushed it back before climbing up and pulling you out. You were in the middle of a road by the park.
Raph pushed the grate closed with his foot and pulled you to the park.

"So what are we doing?" You asked.

"We're talking a walk in the park. What'd ya think?"

"I don't know. But I like it." You smile, leaning on his shoulder.

He smiled back and wrapped his arm around you.


You and Raph took a moonlit walk in the park, with Raph staring at you all night. At one point he stopped and kissed your hands before you sat on a park bench and talked.

Mikey told you to dress normal, so you did, you wore skinny jeans and a baggy t-shirt with neon orange and black sneakers, leaving your hair down.
Mikey looked confused when you walked out to him.

"What's wrong Mikey?"

"I thought I told you to dress normal, you look amazing!"

You giggle and kiss his cheek before he picked you up and skated down the pipe on his skateboard. He stopped under a grate and moved it before climbing up with you. Then he carried you to a tall building and set you down.

"What are we doing Mikey?"

"We're going to the fair, I just have to get my stuff on." He said, pulling out his trench coat from a bag you didn't notice.

You help him and soon your walking around in the fair grounds, with popcorn and cotton candy filling your nostrils.

"Mikey," you asked, holding his hand, "can we get some cotton candy? Please?"

"Sure thing!"

He pulled you to the machine and you watched in awe as it spun around and around.
Mikey bought you a bag of the surgery sweet treat and guided you to the Ferris wheel. You squealed as it started going up, and up, and up, until it stopped at the top.

"What happened?" You asked, looking down.

"It must've broke. They'll fix it, don't worry." Mikey smiled, grabbing a piece of cotton candy. "Open wide."

You giggled and let Mikey feed you a few pieces before you fed him. You did this until the bag was empty, then you sat and stared at the stars.

"It's so pretty." You sighed.

"Yeah, it is." Mikey yawned and stretched, putting his arm around you. "Did I do it right?"

You giggle and lean against him.
"Yes Mikey. You did."

Mikey smiled and gave a thumbs up to the Ferris wheel operator, who then turned back on the Ferris wheel.
When you walked out, Mikey passed him a 20.

"Thanks man." He whispered.

I'm actually proud of this one. Bye bye lollipops!

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