He helps you

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Ever since you meet your favorite turtle, changes have occurred around you, like, drastic changes.
First, a building crumbled next to your house in a matter of seconds. Then, a PD appeared in the street, thankfully not right by you, and Murakami's decided to suddenly exist, replacing a tattoo shop around the corner, which wasn't necessary a bad thing.
But, you knew one thing, you weren't where you're supposed to be.
And you knew who had the answers to your questions.

You stood in front of your now rubble of an apartment. Your lip quivered slightly, and a few tears rolled down your cheeks.
You wiped them away and breathed deeply, pulling down your Tmnt t-shirt, paired with jeans and sneakers. You were so confused, and something was telling you to look for a manhole. Reluctantly, you did, and found one in an alleyway. Climbing down, you came very close to puking at the horrific smells. You start walking, with tears silently rolling down your cheeks.
You turn a corner and stop, coming face to face with Leonardo. You smile in relief and tackle him in a hug. He jumps back upon impact, then hugs back.

"Hey, are you crying?" Leo asks, pulling away and looking at you. You nod embarrassingly and look to your shoes.

"M-my home is gone." You sniff.

Leo frowns and tilts your head up, looking at you. He tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, then snaps his fingers, and takes your hand.

"Come with me." He says. You smile and follow him, swooning a little at his touch.

*F/a means favorite animal
You shuddered as your building crumbled to the ground, trying your hardest not to cry. You grip the only thing you managed to grab, which was a stuffed animal, a *f/a from when you where a baby. You slowly turned away from your home, hugging the stuffed f/a tightly. You turned to alleyway and curl up in a corner, crying softly.

After a while it started to rain, and you were still curled up in the corner of the alley, shaking with both fear and sobs.


A tall purple bandanna turtle leaps over buildings, scouting the area for PDs or Foot ninja, happy that he's back in his world.
It started to rain, but Donnatello didn't mind at all.
He leaps over an alleyway when he hears sobbing, and looks down to see a head of h/c hair.
'Wait a second, that's the girl from the roof! How is she here! And she's crying. I better help her.' He thought landing in front of you with a thud. You keep your head down until Donnatello places a gentle hand on your shoulder. You look at him with red puffy eyes, and tackle him in a surprise hug.

"Hey, it's ok. It's ok. What's wrong miss?" He coos, but you can't speak, and you sob on his shoulder.

He rubs your back, whispering reassuring words to you. Soon you stopped crying, Donnie looks to see you've fallen asleep in his embrace, with a small smile planted on your lips. Don smiles and picks you up, shielding you from the rain, carrying you to a safe place, leaving your stuffed f/a behind.

You gulp as you building crashes to the ground, making you stumble back. You swallow back tears and walk away. You end up at the park, and sit on a bench, far from people, hugging your knees. You start to cry uncontrollably, sobs wracking through your body. You hear rustling in the bushes, but you ignore it.

"Miss?" A gruff voice asks, whom you immediately recognized as Hamato Raphael.

You turn away from him, not wanting him to see you weak.

"M-miss?" He asks again, placing an arm on yours.

You choke out a sob, burying your face in your hands. You feel strong muscular arms wrap around you, making you feel safe. You turn to him and wrap your arms around his neck, crying into his plastron. Raph holds you tightly, rocking to and fro.

"Come with me. I know a place where you'll be safe." He whispers. You nod and allow him to pick you up.

You raced home after spotting Murakami's, only to find it gone. All that was left was rubble.
You tugged your grey shirt, saying 'artist' in cursive.
You walk down the street, unsure and scared. Then you run into some PDs, and they chase you down the street before cornering you in an alley. Yay.
With your back against the wall, you slide to the ground and cry, hugging your knees.

"Cry baby much?" A PD giggles, yes, giggles, coming closer. You curl into a tight ball, scared for your life. You continue to cry, thinking this is it.

"BOOYAKASHA!" Someone yells above you. You look and see Mikey in front of you, swinging his nunchucks. You wipe away your tears as Mikey fights the PDs, although they ran away after 5 seconds.
After Mikey's through, he turns to you, and his face changes from happy, to worried.

"Were you crying?" He asks, kneeling next to you and cupping your face. You shake your head no, but the red and puffy eyes give it away.

"Please don't cry. I don't like it when people cry." Mikey whispers, hugging you tightly.

"S-sorry.. I-I haven't h-had a v-very good d-day." You sniff, hugging back. "My home w-was destroyed." You say, starting to cry again.

Mikey pulls away so he can see your face and wipes away your tears.

"I wish I could help.. Wait! I might know a place! C'mon!" He smiles, scooping you up in his arms. You quickly wrap your arms around his neck as he climbs to the roof tops..

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