Mini Series #8: No breaks

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No breaks.

I'm really sorry this was delayed, we just moved to our bigger and final house, and got our internet today.

The girls woke up strapped to four uncomfortable beds, in the same room together.

"L-L/g! L/g are you ok!?" D/g calls to her, who is looking pale and queezy.

"N-no.." She groans, thrusting herself as far over the edge of the bed as she could, and emptying her stomach. Kraang enter and clean up L/g's mess, as Shredders voice crackles on the receiver.

"Ladies, so glad you're awake, I have some wonderful news, for me." He chuckles, and the girls swallow nervously. "You're expecting. All of you. A child is growing inside you, with mutagen flowing through their veins. To make things even better, a man named Baxter Stockman has recreated the mind control serum after your precious turtles destroyed my plans. So, you will be my minions, slaves, workers, whatever you'd like to call yourself, I will control you."

R/g started crying, both out of joy and fear, and the girls shuddered at Shredders sickening laugh was heard.

"And, you'll love this, to increase the amount of mutagen, you'll be mutated. Not yet though, I need to gather supplies, pure mutagen. Enjoy your stay, forever."

All the girls began to cry softly, glancing at the other, and sending a shaky, unsure smile before the serum in injected into them.


I cry as I watch them become trapped in their own body, only able to watch as tears stream down their own faces.

'They're pregnant. How will I tell the guys..'

"You won't."

'I have to, they're my friends!'

"You have to, you have to trust me dear, for your own good."

I leave the Void and see the turtles looking down at me concerned. I stare back confused, and then feel my face, which is wet with my tears.

"Are you ok Gypsy?" Mikey asks, seeming so innocent. They all seem innocent, sorta. They don't know. I know the biggest news of their life, and I can't tell them. I can't tell them that their going to be.. Fathers. I begin to cry again, the sobs racking through my body.

"I-I-I'm s-so sorry.." I sniffle, wiping my eyes. I then direct my hands to them, depleting the memory of us finding the secret door, of me taking a bullet, slipping into a vision coma, and returning with tears. "You can't know yet." I whisper while they recover. I teleport to the couch and sit there, hugging my knees to my chest.

"G-Gypsy? Wha-what happened?" Donnie asks, stumbling out of the Lab.

"You passed out." I reply blankly.

"A-all of us?" Leo questions, holding his head.

"Yup. You guys should rest, we gotta search tomorrow, as you know." I snap my fingers, not even looking, and the memory of us planning the search is planted in their minds.

"O-oh, y-yeah, I guess so. Night.."

The boys retire to their rooms, and I allow myself to cry into my knees. A sudden hand patting my back causes me to look up, and see Splinter looking down at me kindly.

"What is wrong Gypsy?"

I wipe my nose and explain almost everything, looking down shamefully. Splinter nods when I finish, staring at his furry hands thoughtfully.

"This Void, it might know something you don't. Perhaps it is trying to protect you and my sons."

I nod and wipe my cheeks, thinking for a moment. He should know, if not the turtles, at least Splinter.
"... Master Splinter?"

"Yes child?" Splinter looks down at me with kind fatherly eyes. Fatherly.

"T-the girls.. th-they're p-pregnant. Your sons are gonna be Fathers."

Splinters eyes widen, and he slowly leans back on the couch, in a daze.
"I-Including Michelangelo?"


Splinter squeezes his eyes shut, thinking.
"Gypsy, I do believe we are in deep waters, so I hope you can swim."


When trapped mentally, you seem to be placed in a metal box, with only eye holes to see what your body is doing, no light get in, nor out. If you're not mentally prepared, you are doomed to insanity.

L/g: 'Why is everything so... dark? Hey, I-I can't move!  D/g!! Why are we leaving? Wh-what about the baby!?'
L/g is shoved into a cramped cell, with only her thoughts to abide her time. She slowly fought to regain control, and was able to move her hands to her stomach before being pushes back into the depths of her mind.

D/g: 'Wa-wait! No! I-I'm trapped! M/g!! M/g can you hear me! N-no.. we're doomed.. Donnie will never know..'
D/g was thrown in her own cell, only catching a glimpse of the others before being swallowed by dark, and trying her best to stay calm. She began to fight relentlessly, barely taking a moment to catch her breath before going at it again.

R/g: 'No, no no no no! R-Raph won't make it in time! I-I have to do something.... h-he's gonna be a Father..'
R/g began kicking the walls of her small prison in her own mind. After hours of fighting, screaming and kicking, she collapsed out of exhaustion. 

M/g: 'Hooooly shell.'
She began punching the walls with everything she could, making dents in the metal wall, her knuckles and hands bruised and bloody. She sank to her knees and waited for her strength to return, so she could escape her mental and physical prison.

All hope seemed lost for the girls, and Gypsy.

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