Lab Accidents (Raph)

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Donnie called everyone to the Lab, saying he discovered something. You and Raph made your way there, Raph stood there with his arms crossed, and you leaned on him.

"What is it Don?" Leo asked, peering at the purple glowing portal before you all.

"I don't have any solid proof, but I think it's a gateway to another dimension. And I've called you all here to witness my first testing." Donnie exclaimed, holding up a car with a camera strapped to it.
It went in and sent a few pictures back.

A messy couch.

A green foot.

And static.

"Um, Don, what was that?"

"A successful test!" Donnie cried, throwing his arms up in the air.

You giggled and stood straight, turning to leave, when Leo bumped into you, and with you being smaller than him, stumbled back and fell into the portal.

"Y/n!" Raphael cried, aiming to jump in after you. His brothers held him back as you kept falling, and soon Raph couldn't see you, nor you him.

Your P.O.V
I continued to fall, I have no idea what's going to happen, but I'm going to be prepared. I turned around so I could see where I landed. Bad idea. I was about to hit various sharp and pointy weapons, all pointed up. I screamed loudly, and tears blurred my vision.

"RAPH!" I cried, knowing that he probably couldn't hear me.
Then I was pulled away from my doom, and felt myself in a familiar position, being cradled by large muscular arms. I sniffed and looked at my savior. Upon seeing my favorite turtle I jumped up and hugged him tightly.

"Raph! You saved me, again!"

"Who are you? How do you know me!?" He yelled, dropping me.
I landed on my butt with a oof, and looked up at Raph with sad eyes. He took off, running out of the dojo, and I slowly got up and stumbled out. I looked to see two other girls, one with Leo and one with Donnie.

"Um, hello random people?" I say, waving awkwardly.

"We're from different dimensions." One says, I'm guessing Leo's girl.

"Oh.. that would explain Raphie."

"Hey!" Raph says, stomping to me. I feel a tad of fear, because I'm not exactly sure what he'll do, but stand my ground. "No one calls me that!" He growls, leaning very close. I look at him and I feel like crying. He really doesn't know me.

"I do." I say, swallowing the lump in my throat.

"Not funny, missy."

I let a tear slip down my cheek as I close my eyes and take in the situation. I'm in a strange dimension where my boyfriend doesn't know who I am, and it might be impossible to get back to my dimension. Just great.

I open my eyes to see Raph looking at me concerned.
"I said that out loud didn't I?"
He nods and I feel a blush creeping up to my cheeks.
"I wish my Raphie was here." I sniff.

"I wish my Donnie was here." Donnie's girl mumbles.

"I wish my Leo was here." Leo's girl says.

"Aaahhh!" A high pitched scream comes from the kitchen.

Raph jumps and goes pale green.
"Now Mikey has a girlfriend!?"

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