"I can help you."

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My P

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My P.O.V
I woke up smelling eggs, which was weird since I live alone... oh right, M/g.
I throw off my covers and shuffle to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Then I walk out and see M/g with the same blanket wrapped around her, dishing out two plates of eggs.

"Hey M/g, sleep well?" I ask, sitting down. She nods and hands me a fork. We eat in silence, and while I was washing the dishes, she sits and watches.
"M/g? You ok?" I ask, drying my hands.

"Um, actually.. I-I was wondering if you had any paper, I- um, kinda feel like drawing."

"Oh yeah! Stay there." I run and grab several sheets of paper and my pencils, then quickly walk back.
"Here you go. Maybe we'll uncover something from your past."

She smiles, and it's then that I notice her scar.
"Um, do you know you have a big scar on your cheek?" I point out. She shakes her head and looks around for a mirror. I get up and get one from my room, then bring it to her. She gasps when she sees it.
"Don't worry, it looks pretty cool."

"Th-thanks." She murmurs.

She begins to draw, creating wide lines and curves, then little dots and details. 15 minutes later she sits straight from being hunched over for so long, and stares at her art thoughtfully.

"Can I see?"

She nods and passes it to me. It's a drawing of a rooftop at night, with a lone girl and an easel. Her brush is placed on the canvas, like she's painting. In the low far corner of the rooftop is three men, who are shielded by the dark, and another strange figure on the roof opposite, seeming as a guardian angel for the girl, with the full moon directly behind them.

"Wow," I say, "can I hang this up, not in the fridge, but on the bulletin board, I think you've got a real knack for art, and if you do more on the future it might show us who you are."
M/g nods, a smile dancing across her face, as I put the picture in its rightful place.

"C'mon, let's go to the park, I usually go around this time, and I'd love for you to join me."

I give M/g some clothes, and then we head out.

"I've got to say, orange looks good on you." I smiled as we neared the park. The crisp Autumn air left our breath in smoky white puffs, and it was nice to admire the colors in the trees.

We came to the center of the park, and sat on a bench, listening to the sounds around us, and chuckling at a sudden honk.
Then a girl came up to us, about the same age as me and M/g, with r/g/h/c r/g/h/l hair, and pretty r/g/e/c eyes.

"Um, e-excuse me.. but where am I?" The girl asked with a shaky voice.

"New York city, miss. Are you ok?"

"N-no.. I-I don't know how I got here, o-or who I am.. all I remember is waking up today in an alley." The girl started to cry, and I jumped up and hugged her.

"Hey.. hey, it's ok. M/g has the same dilemma. I can help you, ok? Now what will we call you? How about.. R/g?"

She looked at me with tearful eyes and nods.
"R-R/g sounds nice."

I smiled and give her my jacket.
"Ok, let's get you home, and I'll make some hot chocolate. Sound good?"

She nodded again and we stared walking. M/g introduced herself, and they started talking about animals.

"Turtles? Well-"

"Excuse me!" A girl shouted, running to us. "I-I need some help."

"Whats wrong?" I asked.

"I have no idea where the fudge I am, or who the fudge I am." She panted, her heavy breath showing up in cloudly white puffs.

"Wow, I've got a lot of house guests. Come with us.. um, D/g, and we'll help you."
She nodded, her d/g/h/l d/g/h/c hair bouncing slightly as her head moved, and her d/g/e/c eyes slightly pink from what I would presume was crying.
"Ok.. I've got three other people living with me. Thank goodness I have a big apartment, and pull out couches."

We were nearly out of the park when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around, along with the other girls, and my hazel eyes met sad l/g/e/c ones.

"I-I'm sorry t-to bother you, but I don't k-know-"

"Say no more, meet M/g, D/g, and R/g. You'll be called... L/g. C'mon, I've got hot chocolate to make." She smiled and moved a strand of l/g/h/c hair from her face.
"Oh, and for those who don't know, my name is Gypsy." I add.

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